46 February / March 1994
46...Perhaps one of the stormiest periods in the magazine's
history, as well as that of the fan-club. Purple's 1993 UK tour
was a climactic event, and ended (artistically) with a Brixton
show which still ranks as one of the best live rock concerts
I've ever been to - by any band. My problem in the magazine
was that I suggested Blackmore was cantankerous for turning
on the power for these shows, knowing they'd be his last, showing
up just how much he'd been under-performing on past tours. "I've
wasted too much time in this band," he said at the time. Gee
event, heralded in a BMG press release (remember those?) on
November 17th 1993, threw fandom into turmoil. There were those
glad to see him go if he wasn't going to perform and had been
stifling the set-list, with many on the other side reckoning
that without him Purple were finished. Some fans were quick
to start rubbishing the DPAS for being less than 100% supportive
of Blackmore, and rival magazines were not far away (strange
to see contributions from people who were soon to jump ship
in a big way). The tour was one of the last where we went overboard
and did all the UK dates (as well as a few abroad). There was
no crystal ball gazing here, just a feeling somehow that the
tension was getting so much that something would have to give.
course the tour got plenty of coverage in the 32 page magazine,
some eleven pages, with the final NEC debacle (which we can
all now assess on DVD) prompting many to put pen to paper. Despite
all the upheaval, there was life elsewhere, with Gillan taking
one of his busman's holidays - this time to Greece to record
a duet (having just finished the first edition of his autobiography),
Coverdale threatening to reform the classic Whitesnake line-up
- something we're still waiting for - and much more. It's just
that alongside Blackmore going, everything else seemed to be
so insignificant. Having given us the roller-coaster ride of
Gillan's departure and rehiring just a few years earlier, it's
understandable if this latest upheaval proved too much for some
the archive front there was some relief, and hard-core Made
In Japan fans could salivate over the special triple CD box
set of the August 1972 Japan tour, which hit the stores just
as news of Blackmore's departure went live, and shipped 10,000
copies in a couple of weeks. Always intended as a short lived
title for fans (with the classic original not to be tampered
with), it's still so popular that it remains on catalogue to
date (despite a mix which had to be done almost live to fit
it into the tight studio schedule available). At least it was
official - the review pages were making valiant attempts to
keep up with the flow of bootleg CDs, which swamped everything
else. Few were able to keep up with them.
over in America, Glenn was laying vocals down on a cover of
Whiter Shade Of Pale (for Marc Bonilla), some things never change!
There was a planned Trapeze reunion as well as news of his new
band, and Glenn's long haul back to the rock stage was assured.
I went a bit bonkers for the magazine cover, but the events
just seemed to call for something different, and we were able
to take advantage of one of the last proper group pictures of
the Blackmore Purple lineup ever taken. Lastly, a tiny notice
buried away on page 22 explaining all about the latest developments
in sending letters electronically. "It's quicker and cheaper
than sending letters or ringing people up". "Just think, I could
download an entire issue and save all that mailing out" was
my response; well 13 years on we've still resisted the move,
and while most of my computer files for Issue 46 are now almost
impossible to access due to being in versions of software which
can no longer be run on today's machines, the magazine itself
can still be read with a cup of tea and a biscuit!
: The Battle Rages On Tour |
REVIEW : Paris |
: UK Tour Report, Blackmore Quits |
: Joe Satriani Joins For Japanese Tour |
: Recording & Touring in Scandinavia |
: Coverdale Page Fold After Japanese Tour |

Battle Rages On, 1993 Tour - News
Trying to come to terms with the recent goings on in (and out
of) the Purple camp has been hard for all of us. If they'd done
another amiable tour as in '87 then we could all say "fine,
enjoyable, not as good as the old days but nice to see them
for the last time", and close the book. No, they have to go
out on blistering form, just to make the end that much harder
to handle. The end? Well, Blackmore has gone. So,
how do we handle a Deep Purple without him? Let them get on
with it I suppose. To some of you it's the best thing they could
have done. To me? Well, the band were contracted for the Japanese
shows, and when Ritchie refused to go, getting in someone to
fulfil them was understandable. But in many ways we're right
back to the polarising of opinions we had in 1990.
Purple finally held their launch party for "The Battle Rages
On" in London on July 22nd 1993. By then the album was already
on sale in Europe and it finally found its way into the UK stores
on July 26th. The abandonment of the US tour was never fully
explained. Yes, the CD there has been remixed, though I'm told
the differences are marginal. With no advertising, very little
press and of course no live shows, the CD jumped in at 139 in
the Billboard charts, and fell back out. Rehearsals were due
to start in America on September 1st but they also did some
rehearsing in Bregenz, Austria, on Sept. 21st. The tour got
under way in sunny Italy, with a full on-stage rehearsal near
Rome on Sept 23rd, and the first show proper on Sept 24th. By
October 30th Blackmore had handed in his resignation..
Paris. 19th October 1993 - Live Review
familiar beat of 'Highway Star', and then suddenly an animated
Blackmore burst from behind his white finished three strong
Marshall stack to start darting around the stage and letting
fly. 'Perfect Strangers' has - to me - lost the grandeur and
majesty of earlier tours, and become "just" another number,
but still packed a hefty clout. The band then slipped into an
instrumental jam before Ritchie finally decided to start ye
olde 'Beethoven's Ninth' and after some hot soloing, gave way
to Jon. To me Jon has been the lynch-pin of this tour. He's
played some great gigs on previous reunion outings, but here
he was giving support to Ian Gillan one moment, trying to trip
Ritchie up the next, and all the while keeping the momentum
Blackmore kicked off into 'Anyone's Daughter' with a long doodle
(which sadly disappeared at the UK shows), Ian Gillan, bathed
in a single spot, had a grin which stretched ear to ear. He
was enjoying every minute of it. 'Child In Time' was so powerful
it had us rooted to the spot; Ian cranked out the vicious growls
and suddenly the band launched into a lengthy middle section
with Blackmore and Lordy snapping at each others heels. The
short but nicely done new ending led into 'Anya', where the
show went into hyperdrive. Blackmore suddenly took control of
the band and led them into a dramatic and powerful middle instrumental
section that saw my jaw dropping lower and lower. Rock just
doesn't get more exciting than this! Thoroughly hyped up, the
band from then on just kept it going, the energy sustained at
a level which left me exhausted with concentration just watching
it. And when Blackmore wasn't blasting away at the sonic edges,
he was slipping back to go off on the kind of lyrical runs which
you last heard way back in Rainbow days. He attacked the start
of 'Lazy' like his life depended on it, actually catching Paicey
out on his crashing chords trick near the start. New life was
breathed into what has been a struggling old chestnut. The same
treatment was meted out to 'Space Truckin". Blackmore took the
group off on yet another instrumental tour de force, this time
using Grieg's 'Hall Of The Mountain King' tune (which Ritch
himself recorded on an instrumental back in the sixties). We'd
heard him tinker with it at Nancy, here it became a full blown
number as the others joined in, crackling with energy.
set left the crowd shattered. Every high has its corresponding
down moments though, and while it might not have been apparent
to the majority of the audience, those well versed in Purple
lore weren't slow to spot the problems. The saddest moment for
me was Ian, bashing away at his congas, suddenly - almost inaudibly
- sneaked in a verse of Teddy Bear's Picnic. He glanced hopefully
across the stage toward Blackmore; there was no response. The
worst moments came when the band were charging into 'Lazy'.
Ian, attempting to reply to Blackmore's run, saw the guitarist's
hands leave his instrument and fall dead to his side. The message
was unequivocal. So, gone were the wonderful moments of humour,
the endless rounds of 'Running Bear', the camaraderie which
livened up previous reunion tours, and in many ways helped make
up for any lack of input on the guitarist's part. In place of
all this, we had a Blackmore who for the first time since they
got back together, was out there to do the business. Now, out
to blow Ian Gillan off stage, he was displaying a form and ability
which frankly I'd given up ever expecting to see - or rather
hear again.
UK Tour Report - News
from the European leg of the tour were doing the rounds as the
band arrived in the UK. Someone had heard that Blackmore had
ripped up his Japanese visa. In Manchester it wasn't until around
Anya that Ritchie (who had shaved off the goatee beard he'd
been sporting in Europe) began to work, All in all, it was just
good to see the five of them back in the Apollo giving a respectable
performance - expunging memories of the last dreadful show here
a couple of years ago.
days later, the Brixton Academy. The general feeling is this
wasn't the best of shows, but even so it clattered along and
hit the highpoint in Space Truckin'. Being the last number of
course, that was a little too late to enable them to go much
further. Day two and the show was something else. Unlike Paris,
where they came out blazing, Brixton 2 took a little while to
gather pace, but before long it was clear we were in for something
special. Once more it was Blackmore who provided the necessary
spark, dishing out solos like there was no tomorrow. He stood
in front of the drum riser at one stage, constructing some piece
of guitar magic, and conducting the others just with a nod of
his head. It was a magical evening.
for Birmingham. I know the place is crap, but the facts are
that for a lot of people it was the only chance they would get
to see the band, and it seems as if Purple had hoped to go out
on a high note with their final British show. They didn't. The
lights dimmed, Paicey's drum beat got under way, Roger and Jon
settled into the groove, Ian strode on to a huge cheer and began
to get the feel of things. After a couple of minutes he was
still grasping the mike, shaking his hair about and wondering
what the hell was going on. Jon Lord began to throw in a little
bit of keyboard play, and Ian turned round to see that the guitar
position was still unoccupied. They began Highway Star as a
four piece. It got as far as the solos before Blackmore appeared,
dashed off a few runs, and then walked across the stage. Gillan
had removed himself to his congas when a large beaker water
came whistling past his head. A cameraman had been the object
of Blackmore's wrath. Black Night began in a similar fashion,
guitarless, and it was quite obvious that we on a hiding to
nothing here. Jon, Roger and little Ian struggled on, playing
well, but unable to do much more.
were seated at his side of the stage, and saw more than most.
He appeared just after the others came on stage, walked up to
where his start lay waiting behind his amps, and then ran back
towards the dressing room without ever putting it on. When he
did reappear three quarters of the way through Highway Star,
he walked straight over towards Lordy and hurled a plastic container
of drink towards someone standing at the stage side. At the
end of the song he went back behind his amps, took his guitar
off and ran behind Paicey to the backstage area where he attacked
someone, and more water was thrown. Apart from this the show
was enjoyable, although Gillan and Blackmore never made eye
contact once." Richard Whitehead
footage of the NEC show is apparently about to be issued as
a video release. Heavily edited one assumes. Whatever they do
to it, it's one that's likely to do more harm than good.
Satriani Steps In For Japanese Tour - News
then to Helsinki on November 17th:. "The highest high point
was Speed King. Come the guitar/organ duel Ritchie came close
to the Hammond and decided he'd try and throw Jon for once.
This he attempted to do with one amazing run after another,
all of them much longer than usual. And they all seemed much
more complex in his choice of notes. One after another, Jon
proceeded to copy them all. Obviously failing at what he set
out to do, Ritchie put his hands on his hips and gave a "Who
do you think you are" look at Jon. Then they both laughed, and
shook hands. As Smoke On The Water came to an end, Ritchie just
couldn't let it go. Walking over to switch on his reel-to-reel,
he let loose a flurry of notes before finally ending, then he
stood for a few seconds to look out over the audience. He did
his right hand fingers outstretched hold the thumb with his
left hand signal, bowed slightly and then walked off."
Rasmus Heide
the last date, the news that they'd got Joe Satriani in on guitar
was out. He must have been one of the very few players with
the standing to avoid rioting crowds in Japan, and the ability
to pull it off in such a short time. A set list was worked out,
he was sent the studio tapes, and according to reports within
the band, time set aside for rehearsals was practically unnecessary.
He'd done his homework. In fact he'd done it so well, the rest
of the band were hearing guitar bits in the material they'd
forgotten about! To avoid disappointed crowds, papers carried
warnings that Blackmore would not be appearing, and those who
wanted could obtain a refund. Around 2,500 did so over the tour.
Ian Gillan returned home on the 10th and wanted to know when
he could start the Javelins project. Hopefully his wife took
him Christmas shopping. The cancelled August US tour had originally
been rescheduled for January, but once the Purple scene blew
up, this was obviously off. As we write, the mood in Purple
is up. They thoroughly enjoyed the Japanese dates, and feelers
put out to promoters suggest that the lack of Blackmore will
prove no great obstacle to them getting gigs.
& Touring In Scandinavia - News
and his band have been gigging throughout 1993 in Scandinavia,
having decided to set up base there to record his new album.
He went into the studios on August 16th with The King Siguurd
Band - the guys he's been working with since January - and 12
songs were already written. They had three weeks of rehearsing
before the session, which lasted a month. Vocals were done separately,
and they booked a show in Skara (about 80 miles from Gothenburg),
where the studio is, for Sept.11th. This was to be taped, with
the idea of adding some bonus tracks to the Japanese version
of the CD when it comes out. In the end the live recordings
didn't turn out too well, so they went back to the idea of taping
new studio versions, and this they did in Stockholm on November
17th. "Burn" and "You Keep On Moving" were the chosen songs.
Blackmore declined to appear - he'd expressed some interest
in doing the solos when asked about it earlier in the year.
Glenn had hoped to get Ian Gillan in to guest on a couple of
tracks, but the timing was out. Glenn's band has a new drummer,
Ian HaugIand,another Europe member, making three in all. Ian
joined in time to play on the Stockholm session.
Page Split After Japanese Tour - News
and Page locked themselves in Nomis studios in London during
the second week of July, having booked rehearsal time until
the end of August. The album drummer was retained but they were
still looking for a bassist to do the tour. Due to the less
than earth shattering way the album has gone, plans for world
tours ended up as just a short Japanese tour in December. They
rehearsed six Zeppelin songs - including Kashmir- and four Whitesnake
songs, Here I Go Again, Ain't No Love and two of the more Zeppelin-esque
ones off the newer albums. DPAS member Takako says she enjoyed
the shows, but felt David wasn't really putting his soul into
it. Anyway, they had to add extra dates, so it was obviously
worth doing.
word is that Page has finally got his Zeppelin reunion for 1994
(they were due to record an MTV Unplugged - or Unledded- first
week of December), and the Page/Coverdale project will therefore
be drawn to a hasty end.
to the top
in the magazine...
Purple 1993 Tour Dates....The Battle Rages On, European Tour News
& Reviews....Tommy Bolin News....
Gillan / Rakintzis Tour Report....Deep Purple, Live In Japan 1972
Re-Issue Feature....Ian Gillan Autobiography Review....
Video News.... Questions & Answers... Letters....RPM News....Deep
Purple Fan Clubs....
Deep Purple & Rainbow Chart Positions....Vinyl & CD Reviews
the magazine can
be purchased from the dpas
online store
the DPAS
2006 DPAS/Darker Than Blue.
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