45 July 1993
45...with the printer laying on the purple ink a shade too
strongly for the cover, but we learn from our mistakes (and
it was going to take way too long to reprint it!). Purple's
new album had actually ignited a spark at DPAS Towers, and is
a record I still feel deserves more praise than it usually gets.
Still it was nice to be able to get all enthusiastic over the
follow-up to "Slaves & Masters". Clearly put together under
very strange circumstances, it managed to overcome and surpass
expectations. It's a shame it was to be the last of the Blackmore
era albums, but at least he went out on a relatively high note...
although of course we didn't know it at the time (ironically
page 22 carried the dates for what turned out to be Blackmore's
last tour). As it turned out the album could hardly have been
better named.
magazine covered the making of the record and the tracks in
detail before strolling down tangential boulevard (I must stop
watching our Drop The Dead Donkey DVDs) with a look back at
Purple's very first gig in Denmark (click the newspaper clipping
below), via some newly translated articles from the time,
to mark the band's twenty fifth anniversary. We also took a
detailed look at collecting Rainbow tour programmes, something
a lot of fans like to do, as well as rummaging through the strange
world of Gillan vinyl run-out messages thanks to the work of
two club members. And you think I have strange hobbies!
away from Purple took in everything from Gillan's new biography
Child In Time (which remains sort of in print thirteen years
on, having been through different publishers and updates) to
a rash of new Bolin bootlegs, and a glimmer of hope that the
"Foxbat" show might be forthcoming officially at long last.
One of the promises we did get to keep in Issue 45 was to complete
our first poll of DPAS members to ascertain their likes and
dislikes, with the show people would most like to travel back
in time to see prompting loads of would be H G Wellsian dreams
of attending the Japanese shows in 1972.
review wise the usual eclectic collection of rarities and collectors
items covered over five pages helped bump the page count up
to 32 glossy pages. I just wonder whatever happened to Ms. Lovesexy,
whose plea for help made the letters pages?
: Recording The New Album |
REVIEW : The Battle Rages On |
: LA Blues Promotional Tour |
REVIEW : LA Blues Authority Volume 2 |
REVIEW : Coverdale Page |

Album - News
Ian Gillan's agreement to return to the fold for the 25th anniversary,
work began on a follow up to "House Of Blue Light". Much of
the recording was done in the RED ROOSTER studios in Tutzine,
near Munich, from mid-November to mid-December 1992. Ten or
twelve tracks were laid down. Ian Gillan then went out to America
early in 1993 to the Greg Rike studio where the finishing touches
were put to the set. The work was complete on or around Feb
24th, and the tapes were then moved to LA for mixing which lasted
into early March. Production has been shared between Glover
and a chap called Thom Panunzio. There is a persistant story
about to the effect that BMG rejected the first version of the
album as it retained all the JLT songs with Ian singing over
them. I cannot confirm this one. I think just one number from
the material which was being done while Joe Lynn was with the
band has survived. In mid April Bruce and Roger held some sort
of press do in Arizona, where the assembled hacks were treated
to two tracks from the forthcoming album, which they were told
was to be called PROGRESS. By May the title had changed to "THE
BATTLE RAGES ON" and, despite the rumour mill which suggested
that the set was going to be put back til August as BMG wanted
it re-recording, all seemed on course. The album release date
was set world wide except for America, where it was due two
weeks later on the newish BMG label Giant Records to tie in
with an extensive North American tour running a full two months.
During June and early July Ian Gillan was tearing off all round
Europe doing promotional work and the whole band were due to
meet up in mid July in America to start rehearsals. A single
was announced (due in the UK July 9th),)ust two album cuts -
"Anya"/ "One Man's Meat along with the possibility of a sampler
to include "Anya" and clips from other numbers, while a promotional
interview disc was also mooted - on CD or DAT. Some shows on
the tour will be taped for a live CD and a video, after which
- well, that really would seem to be it. Catch them while you
can. After this, it's the Rainbow reunion.
UK single and American tour were quickly cancelled. The official
reason for the tour cancellation was that the US record company
demanded a remix of the album, which meant it had to go back
for an August release.
Battle Rages On - Album Review
it's dangerous to get too excited (we are getting on after all!),
but there does seem to be something happening here.The title
track doesn't bode well; though all the right ingredients are
there, it sounds like there hasn't been much thought given as
to how to use them. A lively guitar solo then cuts in, preceding
an interesting instrumental passage, and after that the track
gains a certain musical grandeur. ANYA heads off in the "Perfect
Strangers" or "Spanish Archer" direction, although sadly they
seem to have chickened out of developing this into the epic
that is certainly there for the taking. Wth Jon on harpsichord
and Ritchie on acoustic, we get some Romany strumming before
the riff cuts in. It hits hard. Then, suddenly, you're mentally
pulled up: isn't that the "Stranded"riff?
2 kicks off with RAMSHACKLE MAN, with the band laying down some
tight, heavy, bluesy rock. Good stuff from Jon again, and when
Ritchie takes over later on the feel is there, so that the last
section really moves. "I used to be friends, but now I'm second-hand"
Ian sneaks in at one point. TWIST IN THE TALE is a fast moving
cut with Ritchie chuggin' away, some great drumming, and a vocal
bite which adds to the power. For my money it deserved to be
the opening cut. There's a curious but hugely inventive end
section that naturally deserved to be developed; just bass,
splashing drums and weird guitar, but it's as if nah, it's too
adventurous, cut it. And they do. I think above all, that's
what really has hurt most about the whole reunion, a seemingly
wilful refusal to stray from anything but the expected course.
Yet in the moments when they do, as here, you just know they've
got it in them to reinvent hard rock all over again. NASTY
PIECE OF WORK also begins to move ahead, a menacing heavy bassy
noise, dirty guitar, and Lord chucking his weight about, cracking
stuff. The trick of fading in Ian's scream right out of the
Hammond is a treat. SOLITAIRE is a good solid powerful piece
of work, with Lordy again taking the honours towards the end.
Great vocals, with a sort of low register double tracked effect-
"I'm dancing with strangers, fighting with friends". We're left
with an album that genuinely threw me. I'd expected it to flounder,
and it would be easy to dismiss it as another lashup of old
riffs, but there is, despite the obvious problems of uniting
a fractious group of individuals, some very enjoyable work here.
In terms of overall power and cutting edge, I think the sound
probably leaves the previous reunion cuts standings.
In 1993 - News
been having a very busy year, with a 'tour' doing promotional
interviews to back up the LA BLUES 2 release. The CD was issued
in Europe in early February 1993 on Roadrunner Records, in the
U K on March 5th (same label) and America on Feb 23rd on Blues
Bureau International (part of the Shrapnel Records set-up).
On Feb 27/28th he was in the UK. Raw Power, the late night ITV
metal show, had some footage of him and Mel Galley in a hotel
room doing a track. Glenn then went back to Sweden for two shows
- Gothenburg and one near Stockholm, backed by members of Europe.
Glenn did a half hour acoustic slot for Swedish TV, while Z
TV (also) did a half hour special in March on a show called
Jelt Okey.
A tour of
Europe was planned for June/July, kicking off in St.Petersburg.
To get in shape the band set up more Scandinavian shows in mid-June.
Glenn has also begun recording a new album in Sweden, and plans
to finish this once the dates are over.
Blues Authority Vol 2 - Album Review
RR 9088 2: Germany : March 1993 CD
From what I can gather, advance orders for this CD were so good
that Roadrunner had to delay the release here to avoid running
out of stock almost immediately. It hasn't set the charts alight
true, but there are people out there who have been itching to
go out and buy a Glenn Hughes album for years. Have they been
rewarded? The general opinion is this will do very nicely to
be going on with. If we accept it for what it is, a glorified
session, then it works well. Glenn is in fine form. Beyond that,
the disc lacks any real musical soul. No matter how hard Glenn
works, the backings sound very pedestrian really, and lack the
excitement that a proper group might have brought to the proceedings.
So far it is the opening couple of cuts which impressed me the
most, but we'll see how it developes with a little more air-time.
"The title
of this album is rather misleading. The style is actually more
LA hard rock/ blues, due no doubt to the numerous hot-shot guitar
proteges on show. To be fair some of the playing isn't bad (Erikson
for example), it's just that a lot of the material cries out
for a guitarist who understands the dynamics and subtleties
of blues influenced music-someone like Jeff Healey, Jimmie Vaughan
etc. Glenn's vocal performance is naturally the highlight. Let's
hope it bodes well for the future, and next time puts together
a band that can mesh into a more individual sound to match his
undoubed talents". Roy Davies
ARTISTS / L.A. BLUES AUTHORITY : Roadrunner RR 2398 3: Holland
: 1992 5" CD.
by Pierre Caeiro, this three track single kicks off with the
only track on the ORIGINAL album to feature Glenn Hughes (a
version of "Messin' With The Kid"), so as Pierre rightly
points out, it saves us forking out for the full price CD! However
I don't think it's been issued properly in the UK, so it might
take some finding.
Page - Album
opening track, SHAKE MY TREE, is an excellent blues riff, with
some background wailing of the kind found in more than one Zep
song in the past. David's vocals are however too forced for
much of the track. The same is true of the second track, WAITING
FOR YOU, as indeed it is throughout the album. This song is
rather reminiscent of old-style Whitesnake, with a superb solo
from Jimmy. OVER NOW has an excellent riff, with David's voice
sounding like his own once more, except for couple of breaks
where he tries too hard again. The penultimate track, ABSOLUTION
BLUES has a distorted guitar beginning that could almost be
Ritchie, before becoming a very staccato riff that leads into
a fairly featureless song most notable for lifting a fair chunk
of lyric from "Ain't Gonna Cry No More". Nice drumming
though. The overall verdict? Musically, certainly the best either
of them have done for a long time, with near faultless work
by Jimmy, even on the less impressive tracks. With a few exceptions,
the tracks have a British blues feel about them that recalls
some of Zep's very best. The drummer, Denny Carmassi comes through
it all very well, though the bassist is mixed almost out of
hearing. Roll on the live shows, which on the showing of the
album should be ace." Aidan Dodson.
collaboration has been long promised, but was worth the wait.
The first couple of tracks reveal overblown guitars and a croaking
old hack at the mike stand, then TAKE ME FOR A LITTLE WHILE
comes along and you realise it's Coverdale trying his hardest
not to sound like Plant. Naffest track has to be TAKE A LOOK
AT YOURSELF - move over Rod! - but it does serve to highlight
DON'T LEAVE ME THIS WAY, with Coverdale really stretching out
and Page cranking it up. Wonder how long it will last?" Simon
UK single at first - EMI put the money into promotion instead.
They later relented and shoved out "Take Me For A Little While"
as a single in June. One or two people doubted the chance of
live gigs, but a 30 date tour of America is being lined up and
European gigs are promised for early '94.
to the top
in the magazine...
Purple 1993 Tour Dates.... 25th Anniversary CD Plans.... Deep Purple
/ Tastrup, April 20th 1968 press reviews.... Rainbow tour programmes....
Tommy Bolin; Unreleased Tracks Feature .... Ian Paice, Roger Glover,
Jon Lord, Ritchie Blackmore,
Rod Evans, Ian Gillan, Tommy Bolin news....Gillan / The Japanese Album....
Video/ Book News....Vinyl & CD reviews ....
Questions & Answers....DPAS poll....Letters
the magazine can
be purchased from the dpas
online store
the DPAS
2006 DPAS/Darker Than Blue.
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