39 July 1990
strange feeling of having been cast adrift permeates Issue 39,
as we and other fans struggled to come to terms with the bombshell
of Gillan's departure, and the fact that Deep Purple were now
closer to a new version of Rainbow - with three out of the five
musicians having been in that band.
Jon Lord had taken advantage of the situation to tour with Pete
York on the Olympic Rock & Blues shows, with dates and reviews
filling a full page. As Gillan himself was now based back in
the UK and fairly user friendly to boot, the magazine did manage
to get quite a lot of access to his latest activities, and this
kind of balanced out the wondering what was happening in the
Purple camp. We also got a good sit down interview with the
man during a recording break. Virgin had also got around to
reissuing all his Gillan albums on CD in one fell swoop, and
we went into this in great detail, especially as they all had
bonus tracks. Strange to think they are all now long deleted
and fetching good prices on the second-hand market.
other ex- Purple vocalist David Coverdale was gearing up for
some proper touring to promote Slip Of the Tongue, an album
for which we were struggling to find any great enthusiasm (as
the band continued to keep Wella Hair Products in the black),
or indeed any rave reviews from DPAS members. My biography of
the band (which had kept me busy for several months) had also
hit the shelves but had been mysteriously dropped from the publishers
promotional list and was hard to find (it too now fetches a
lot second-hand).
the archive front, the first Blackmore Rock Profile had gone
down well and we were now researching Volume 2. The was also
the arrival at long last of Denmark 72 on VHS, an event many
fans had been waiting an awful long time for - unless you lived
in Japan where it had been out for ages. Now here we are awaiting
the same set's DVD debut!
: Joe Lynn Turner Joins Deep Purple |
REVIEW : Smoke On The Water |
: Naked Thunder Studio Report |
REVIEW : Slip Of The Tongue |
REVIEW : Ludwigschaffen |
NEWS : Scandinavian Nights |
REVIEW : The Ultimate |

Lynn Turner Joins Deep Purple - News
Joe Lynn Turner's elevation to the Purple ranks was all signed
and sealed before Christmas. The last DPAS magazine was at the
printers when RAW came up with the seemingly copper bottomed
news that Terry Brock, late of Scottish band, Strangeways, had
landed the Purple job. It seems he did get over there, but didn't
last long - three days is an informed estimate. Meanwhile it
looks as if the guy from Survivor actually got vocals laid down
over a couple of demo's. This must have been around Sept/Oct
In March 1990 Lord and Turner were seen in Switzerland, with
Turner happily signing albums and saying yes he was indeed in
the group. Whatever Turners abilities, I witnessed him trying
to handle Child In Time at a Rainbow show and it didn't work.
The band will either have to seriously revamp the live show
- ironically the very thing Glllan was trying to get them to
do anyway - or risk really destroying themselves. I suppose
if they go for a complete change of direction then they could
pull it off, but it's really back to a Rainbow situation. As
Kevin Dixon put it in a recent letter, "back to watching the
guitarist and waiting for the solo's again".
Aid Armenia - Single Review
lan Glllan did quite lot of media promotion for the Rock Aid
Armenia single when it came out. I must admit to me the whole
thing looked like a real non starter given the blinkered attitudes
in the press (and let's face it the plodding nature of the record).
As several of you have pointed out, there were no press ads
for the record, and copies weren't exactly thick on the ground.
There was an "all star" video to accompany the single, and this
contained the PERFECT STRANGERS promo amongst other things,
along with (naturally) the promo for the SMOKE remake.
Life Aid Records ARMBIIA 001 7"/T001 12"
our interests, lan Gillan and Ritchie Blackmore both appear
on it. The flip was the standard version of Sabbath's old hit
Paranoid. People told me a 5" CD was also issued. To be honest
the recording is really dull and lifeless; only lan Gillan sounds
as if he's working - but with such a mediocre backing his effort
is all for naught. Blackmore might as well have stayed at hone
too. A 12" Mega Rock remix followed - which had a blue sleeve
where the original was white. Americans say there was a lot
of Interest there surrounding the project and a big press do
- but after all that the single was never released!! The album
from the project cane out late last year, with the single and
a clutch of previously released tracks on by various bands.
Thunder, Studio Report - News
lan Glllan was holed up at the Amazon Studios in Liverpool before
and after Christmas, getting his first solo album laid down.
To fill you in on the project, after the Moonshiners tour ended
in June 1989, lan began to make plans for his future career.
Impressed by the abilities of Moonshiner guitarist Steve Morris,
he suggested Steve might like to work out some material for
an album. lan decided to book a studio, and opted for Amazon.
The musicians were many and varied. Initially much of the work
fell to Steve Morris, who not only helped write the stuff and
play guitar, but also tackled the initial keyboard and bass
work. Mark Buckle, the blonde keyboard bombshell you saw on
the Moonshiners dates, tackled a lot of the keyboard work too.
Once guide tracks were down, other musicians were added in.
Simon Phillips, a well known session drummer (who did Coverdale's
first solo album way back) came up and laid the drums down in
about three days. Eventually, it was decided that Mark's keyboard
work probably lacked the necessary finesse, so Tommy Eyre was
brought in - he played with Gary Moore for a time. As a contrast
in style, Pete Robinson also helped out, mainly on piano. Robinson
is the guy from Quaternass, which are linked to the Purple family
via Mick Underwood who used to drum for them (and by the fact
that lan helped write two songs on their debut album).
as many names were linked to the project but didn't actually
partake. Bob Daisley is one. He had contacted lan with the idea
of a one off band to tour Australia during the later half of
1989. lan had been keen on the idea but had to pull out when
be realised it would clash with his own recording. Of greater
interest perhaps is the fact that lan was in touch with both
Jon Lord and Glenn Hughes. Jon was invited to come up if he
could spare the time, while lan also suggested to Glenn Hughes
that he might care to lay down a few backing vocals. Unfortunately
this intriguing prospect fell foul of Glenn's own recording
commitments. To complete the personnel, the production work
was handled by Leif Masses, responsible for the recent Jeff
Beck LP and (in the past) Led Zeppelin and Abba. Fourteen tracks
were mixed roughly at Amazon, ending there on the 26th January.
The playing standard overall is high, none of the session feel
of the Glllan/Glover LP. I think a fair summing up would be
that the music draws on many of lan's (and Steve's) roots, but
brought up to date. It's early days to be expecting major moves
forward, rather the album seems to be a more than adequate starting
point for lan's future career. Release is due on July 16th via
EastWest Records. It will be titled NAKED THUNDER. lan's tour
of the USSR finally cane to pass, intended to warm the band
up as well as extending the boundaries of rock. Most groups
play a couple of the major cities and leave it a that - lan
is doing 42 dates right round the country! They kicked off in
Moscow on May 11th.
to the top
Of The Tongue - Album
only recent live sighting of David Coverdale came on November
15th 1989 at the Hammersmith Odeon when he came on stage to
join headliners AEROSMITH for the encore. They romped through
'I'm Down' and a bluesy tune, with bits of Beatles tunes like
'Yesterday' and 'Help' thrown in. David did BBC Radio One's
'Friday Rock Show' on Nov 17th, on air for just four minutes,
"I wonder who their singer is this week" came the jibe when
asked about Purple. For once I don't feel like retorting.
After his promotional visit, Coverdale returned to the States
on Nov 24th where the band were set to make videos and then
begin live rehearsals. They will be on tour in America fron
February until July, then hit Europe in August. Interesting
that while the new album 'Slip Of The Tongue' is still coining
it in America, European chart action was markedly down on the
last set.
step on the road to Americanisation and a further move toward
radio friendly AOR from the very British-based blues roots Coverdale
once championed. The precise, technically efficient but cold
guitar of Steve Vai coupled with solid but uninaginative work
from Aldridge and Sarzo fail to produce anything worthwhile
on which to lay the fruits of the new Coverdale / Vandenberg
partnership. The songs range from the by now standard Zeppelin
rip-off - 'Judgement Day' - to the well trodden Purple ballad
- put 'Sailing Ships' alongside 'Soldier Of Fortune' to see
what I mean. 'Fool For Your Loving' follows their trend of stripping
down past classics and replacing contained emotion with harsh
aggression. Overall a disappointingly bland slice of US rock."
Roy Davies
that's one of the kinder reviews!
Olympic Rock'n Blues Circus / Ludwigschaffen, 24th October 1989
- Live Review
was back in Issue 26 (November 82 fact finders) that we reported
on The Olympic Rock &. Blues Circus tour of Germany. The idea
of a second Rock & Blues tour was mooted and the players decided
to give it a go. In all eight scheduled shows were lined up
in Austria, followed by eighteen in Germany. The musicians were
as follows; Pete York/drums, Jon Lord/Hammond & Korg, Tony Ashton/elec
piano, synth, vox, Colin Hodgkinson/bass, vox, Miller Anderson/guitar,
vox, Zoot Money/vox, synth. Chris Farlowe did vocals for the
first batch of dates. Jon
Lord had asked to be kept out of the publicity, so posters read
simply "special guest", but word wasn't slow in reaching people
who the mysterious guest was! In the end some promoters just
plastered his name across posters for the show.
place was boiling, Pete York, Colin Hodgkinson and Jon Lord
formed the nucleus of the band with the others coming and going,
which was good as we hadn't expected Jon throughout. There he
was with his white Hammond (off the Superdrumming shows) thoroughly
enjoying himself. They went through all sorts of tracks; Gimme
Some Loving, Weird (with Tony Ashton rolling himself into the
stage curtain) and San Fransisco Bay Blues with Colin's amazing
bass solo, which is the highlight of any show he does. It was
a late start and finish but the crowd made them return for several
encores, the last of which was Lucille." Christoph Reichiann
Jon must have enjoyed the Circus dates, because during a break
from the Deep Purple album sessions in March he was back in
Europe for another gig with the band. This time they'd secured
the services of ex- Family singer Roger Chapman. I only know
of one show, in Zermatt, Switzerland. The band went out under
the name of DADDY & THE STEAMERS.
Nights - Video
The Copenhagen 1972 video is in the shops at last - almost three
years after it came out in Japan! In the end I managed to get
the job of doing the video put out to a firm in Sheffield run
in part by a guy I've known for many years. It was cheaper than
having it done in London and meant I could stick my oar in as
usual. Needless to say we made sure not a second was edited
out! On the original the screen went blank straight after Lucille.
Our theory is the camera men thought one encore was it and switched
the machines off! The only slight technical problem was the
horizontal bars visible at times. I'm told these are sound on
vision bars, caused by the sheer volume of noise interfering
with the picture signal during recording. You do sometimes see
it on live rock broadcasts. Nothing could be done to remove
those but they don't spoil it too much.
Ultimate - Album
The Ultimate. Geffen M5G 24248 : USA : Oct 89
2 CD/MC 3 LP Boxed set + booklet
cover is disappointing - I don't like the HM logo style at all.
The booklet is very attractive. I found the box very flimsy
compared to those normally used.
of you query the Moxy tracks - hardly a crucial move on such
an album I agree, while adding just one unreleased demo ('Brother
Brother') - and then including the finished version of the same
song is a bit much. None
of this detracts from the abundance of good material, let's
hope someone sees some sense and whips up the unreleased material
on a double - I've a nasty feeling it's going to be a long wait.
to the top
in the magazine...
Blackmore: Rock Profile Vol.1... Olympic Rock'n Blues live reviews....
Deep Purple fan clubs...
Glenn Hughes news.... Ian Gillan interview.... Gillan / IGB on compact
disc... Vinyl & CD reviews ... Letters...
Questions & Answers... Video & Laser Disc news... In Rock,
20th Anniversary....
Deep Purple, October 1970 Scottish Tour
the magazine can
be purchased from the dpas
online store
the DPAS
2005 DPAS/Darker Than Blue.
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