38 November 1989
followed not long after the news of Gillan leaving had been
confirmed, but his replacement had still not been confirmed,
despite a long list of names reaching the rumour mill. As for
Ian, more Moonshiners reviews and news of a live VHS release
too, although the man himself was keen to leave what should
have been a busman's holiday behind and get on with his future
plans. The magazines letter page caught the mood of the fans.
news was the arrival of the Blackmore Rock Profile, on whch
we managed to hang any number of obscure and rare tracks, and
go way over the top on the gatefold sleeve in a way which horrified
the budget concious Connoisseur Records! We covered the album
over three pages. They also went to town on a reissue of Butterfly
Ball which was fully detialed. Also on the way was the much
anticipated VHS release of Copenhagen 1972. Collectors had never
had it so good!
bootleg CDs had turned up, with one or two goodies starting
to make the format well nigh impossible to ignore. The magazine
closed with a looking back feature on the 20th anniversary of
Deep Purple's third album. .
: Searching For A New Singer |
: Armenian Earthquake Benefit |
REVIEW : Live At The Ritz |
REVIEW : Bristol |
: Encores With Black Sabbath |
REVIEW : Super Drumming Vol 2 |
: Donnington & Slip Of The Tongue |

For a Singer - News
last issue went to press, the rumours were hot for Brian Howe
- who had been leading the reformed Bad Company, which as many
of you probably know supported Deep Purple in 1987. Joe Lynn
Turner was obviously on many people's minds, while Ronnie James
Dio's name also cropped up. News also reached us that Paul Rodgers
and Jimmy Barnes had been auditioned. By early August Survivor's
ex-singer Jamie Jamison was apparently linked to the band. As
we write some American magazines are reporting that the band
are close to knocking it on the head for good, such are the
problems finding a vocalist.
the delays in the Purple camp Jon decided to tour Germany in
The Rock & Blues Circus, which hit the road in October.
The group consists of Jon, Pete York, Colin Hodgkinson, Miller
Anderson, Zoot Money and Tony Ashton.
Aid Armenia - News
It seems that plans for an Armenian earthquake benefit show
in Moscow may have fallen through, so instead various rock &
rollers have been organising a benefit album instead. The first
part of the project is a version of Smoke On The Water, sessions
for which began in London on July 8th 1989 at the Metropolis
Studio in Chiswick. Lord and Blackmore were due to take part,
along with Paul Rodgers, Chris Squire, Brian May, Roger Taylor,
Dave Gilmour and others. "So I've Invited myself along, 'cos
It's my song!" lan Gillan told us. Quite obviously not afraid
to take the bull by the horns. The idea is for the UK session
to be flown to America, where a second set of solos from US
musicians will be added, then to Japan. The disc is due for
release around now. More news on the project if and when it
emerges. Natch the HM press went to town on it, stories of Blackmore
refusing to play while lan was about etc! The UK sessions were
due to be filmed too. With Smoke being such a rock anthem anyway
it's quite pleasing to see it being used in this way - better
than some half baked charity jingle which is usually the case.
At The Ritz '89 - Video
The gig at Manchester's Ritz was filmed by a video crew - who
made themselves popular by trying to clear us all off the balcony
to make the crowd downstairs look more impressive. The band
rose to the occasion well, and it all looked good, but lan kept
fluffing his lines and release was delayed while they played
around with the footage to try and get over this! The end result
is a reasonable archive record of the tour which is nice for
those who saw it (as a souvenir) and useful for those unlucky
enough to miss It. Video can never really match the experience
of a live gig but within the limitations of the medium (and
in this case, I suspect, the budget) Live At The Ritz works
well. The camera work isn't brilliant but neither do we get
lots of flashy tricks, The mixer desk viewpoint is sometimes
a little out of focus but by the third track the handheld work
takes over and it becomes more watchable. The lead guitarist
is much more audible than he was at the show and as a result
comes over as a far more useful player than I'd realised, holding
it together nicely with the support of the rhythm guitar. This
is just as well considering the keyboard work which is very
showy but insubstantial. Only a few gripes, spelling the name
wrong on the inlay card (they also get the track order wrong
in one place).
group themselves recorded several shows, which were mixed in
June with the idea of securing a one-off deal for a live album.
There were vague plans for some shows In Italy at the end of
September, but these came to nought.
Bierkeller, May 26th 1989 - Live
"I approached the gig with mixed emotions as lan's departure
from Purple had just broken. Expectations were high, lan had
attracted more acclaim from the earlier Moonshiners gigs than
Purple had during the reunion. The opening seemed almost like
the Gillan band of old. The keyboard player literally leapt
into the intro of I'll Rip Your Spine Out but there was something
lacking in the sound. He was soon pulling manic faces at the
crowd and starting to get very annoying. lan arrived though
and the crowd went ape. He seemed cramped by the small stage
to me, while the band ran through the Gillan band's greatest
hits, with the keyboard player doing his best to upstage lan
all the time. I kept thinking I hope this isn't what lan's left
Purple for. There were highlights, Brazos was haunting, the
two Gillan / Glover numbers cane over well, as did the Little
Feat tune Let It Roll. Just before the encore a keyboard player
from the crowd leapt on stage and began the opening chords of
Smoke On The Water, which was countered swiftly by a "we don't
want that shit, let's play some real music," from lan. That
remark cut through the air like a blade, exposing the underlying
bitterness he felt, though like the professional he is he'd
tried not to show it. It was a sad personal note for me to end
the gig on." Steve Grover
was persuaded to regroup The Moonshiners for a one- off in Liverpool
on July 7th as part of Big Beat 89; a fortnight of shows designed
to raise money for the Hillsborough Appeal. Garth & the crew
did the usual set, though lan came on alone at the start for
a powerful solo rendition of You'll Never Walk Alone - after
which nothing else needed to be said really.
to the top
with Black Sabbath - news
lan's future
plans are still a little unclear. He has been in touch with
Colln Towns to see if Colin had any rock material. Colin is
actually very busy at present with his various film music projects
but didn't rule out the possibility of helping in the future.
Be good, he always did have a knack at writing stuff which suited
lan well. Right now it seems as if he is busy writing with a
view to relaunching himself next year. Natch
being back home lan has been out and about. He busked along
with Black Sabbath for one of their UK dates at Bristol Colston
Hall on September 11th.
"The band
returned and encored with "Heaven & Hell". Then Tony lommi broke
into "Smoke On The Water". I thought he was taking the mickey
at first until this bloke holding a mike bounded onto stage
shaking his hair and clenching his fist in time honoured fashion.
lan Glllan handled all the vocals for "Smoke..", with Sabbath's
current vocalist Tony Martin happy to stand back and help on
the chorus. They then crashed Into "Paranoid", Martin taking
the first verse and offering a surprised lan the second. From
then they swopped verses; lan wasn't too sure of the words but
then he never was!" John Tucker.
This jam
obviously went down well, for lan repeated the exercise over
In Copenhagen on the 17th Sept!
Pete York Presents Super Drumming Vol.2
- Album Review
York Presents Super Drumming Vol.2 - Global 209 886/9 LP; 289
889 CD Germany; 1989
On the ball DPAS people will recall us reviewing Super Drumming
In Issue 34, along with the news
of lan Paice's involvement both on the LP and the TV series
from which the album was taken. This is the follow up album,
taken from the second series, screened in Germany over seven
weeks in June and July this year. Once more the sound comes
directly from the live performances, which were filmed in August
1988. There are a couple of differences this time however. First,
the material has been issued as two separate single albums,
each in a similar sleeve - last time it was a straightforward
double set. Secondly lan Paice isn't involved this time, instead
the interest to us is in Jon Lord's appearance. NOT behind a
drum kit I hasten to add, but the Hammond He is featured on
three tracks from Part 1 and three from Part 2. On Part 1 he's
fairly hard to hear, but he does sneak a short solo into Rainforest
Ride. Part 2 is more interesting as it features a ten minute
version of the Sarabande Suite. Not quite as emotional as the
original album cut but nevertheless some good work here. Any
drummers should find the album fascinating, Lord fans shouldn't
expect too much, but it is a nice addition to the session discography.
The CD features extra tracks but Jon is not on any of them.
As a postscript to this, the original gatefold version of Volume
1 has been deleted and reissued as two single albums to match
those of Vol 2.
& Slip Of The Tongue - News
Forgot to mention it last time, but Glenn was in line for doing
the vocals on John Sykes' Blue Murder album. However Sykes had
spent so long on it that Geffen weren't prepared to wait any
longer, so Hughes never got to do anything beyond a few demos.
Glenn himself has ben given some development money to begin
work on a solo album for Polydor.
were due to play Donnington in August, but as you probably know
the festival was cancelled. The plan had been for Glenn to join
the group on-stage for the encores - and they were set to rehearse
Burn, Stormbringer and Might Just Take Your Life for the purpose!
There were even moves afoot to get the band to do a low-key
warm up set prior to the festival, probably over in Southport
where Gillan did his first Garth Rockett show. The new Whitesnake
album (Slip Of The Tongue) will be Issued in America on November
7th, so I'd expect it to be out around the same time everywhere
else. The first single will be a reworking of Fool For Your
Loving. Vandenburg isn't featured on it anywhere but does seem
to be still part of the band. All the guitar work is by Steve
Vai. Glenn Hughes sings on just four tracks.
to the top
in the magazine...
Rockett, UK tour reviews....Ritchie Blackmore: Rock Profile Album
News...In Rock & Fireball out-takes examined....Butterfly Ball
& Wizard's Convention CD...Whitesnake Illustrated Biography details...
Letters....VInyl, CD & Video news & reviews....Deep Purple
Third Album Feature....
the magazine can
be purchased from the dpas
online store
the DPAS
2004 DPAS/Darker Than Blue.
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