awesome collection, consisting of the often dreadful reunion promos,
live tracks from 1984-85, then more live tracks from 1995-2001.
It's certainly worth a careful inspection, which I've tried to
keep simple, but can't, cos it isn't…
there are 27 tracks on the DVD. Of these: FIVE were previously
available on the now long-deleted 'Videosingles' video EP from
1988, a rather short collection of promos which at least we'll
now not have to cough up for again as a rather short DVD collection.
So, thumbs up.
The five promos are: Perfect Strangers from 1984, a collage
of home movie footage from the album rehearsals, which make a
rather nice historical artefact (see photo 1). Knocking
At Your Back Door, from late 1984 is a daft Mad Max influenced
waste of time. The band only appear via inserts of concert
footage. Nobody's Home is live, filmed at the Providence
Civic Center on March 5th 1985. Gillan's voice was in shreds at
that particular gig, his vocals were re-recorded for the soundtrack
of the promo. It says on the dvd box that it is a 'clip', intimating
that it isn't complete. In fact it is complete; the only problem
is that it is a desperately poor video transfer, with a very blurry
and oversaturated picture. (photo 2)
Bad Attitude was put together from studio footage shot
during the recording of House Of Blue Light, and comes across
quite well, using a torn edge split screen effect to link the
shots (photo 3). Call Of The Wild is dreadful, the
awful premise being that the band won't show up for the video
shoot, so all sorts of people are brought in off the street fill
in for them.
tracks from the dvd have already been released by Thames / Thompson
on previous sets. Of these, six are from the deleted 'Around The
World' (a video only release), and there's one track each from
'A Band Down Under', 'Bombay' and 'Total Abandon'. This recycling
isn't easy to accept, at first anyway. I'm assuming that the tracks
from 'Bombay' and 'Total Abandon' are really advertising trailers
for those particular releases. 'Smoke..' from 'A Band Down Under'
means that all of that collection is now available on DVD. The
six from 'Around The World' have been upgraded to DVD (which is
acceptable), leaving six others behind which haven't been, which
is messy. Very messy.
seven previously released T/T tracks upgraded to DVD for the first
time are: Speed King from the Moscow Dynamo Stadium on
June 22nd 1996, already covered in DTB as the show was aired in
full by Russian TV at the time. (photo 4) Fireball
from Sao Paulo, March 19th 1997 is good, though dark. It's broad
daylight however, when compared to No One Came and When
A Blind Man Cries from San Jose, Costa Rica, February 8th
1998. (photo 5) Very dull filmwork, dark and out of focus.
Even accepting that the lighting for this tour was very muted,
the tracks still don't make for good viewing. Luckily both are
presented much better on the Perihelion
show. Bloodsucker is from the internet broadcast LA House
of Blues show, January 28th 1998; the sound's a bit thin, but
it's a good performance. Lazy is from Sofia, November 28th
1998, a grainy picture but a tremendous performance. The full
show was aired by Bulgarian TV soon afterwards, and included tracks
yet to make it onto DVD, such as Any Fule Kno That and Fingers
To The Bone. Smoke On The Water is from the wonderful mass
jam session organised for Australian TV's 'Hey Hey It's Saturday'
show in April 1999. (photo 6) Good to see it on DVD.
TEN tracks on the DVD are previously unreleased in any form (two
promos which appeared on HM compilations in the early 90s could
reasonably be added to that total), which fully justify purchase
in their own right. These are: Black Night from Sydney
14th December 1984, the highlight of the entire collection for
me, from the days when the track was given some muscle. (photo
7) Clips from the Sydney show were used in promos through
the years, without the original sound. Great to finally see and
hear it. In addition, the drum solo from the show has turned
up on Ian Paice's new
DVD. More! A Gypsy's Kiss is from the rather unsatisfying
Paris 9th July 1985 Rockpalast recording. (photo 8) Gillan's
voice sounds rough as arses on that one, and worse on Space
Truckin', (listed as 'USA July 1985'... but really from Alpine
Valley Music Theatre in August 1985). It's one which has never
circulated on collectors' video lists, and is considerably less
exciting than the Sydney and Providence footage. The performance
is at times all over the place on Space Truckin', and the picture
quality is hazy. (photo 9) The drum solo from the show
is on Ian Paice's DVD.
DVD now has a ten year gap in live performances. It is filled,
at least up to 1991, with the remaining promo videos which Deep
Purple have produced. Hush (from 1988) is perhaps the worst;
bits of concert footage dropped randomly into some shitty ZZ Top
scenario of bloke / girl / fast car / desert highway. The quality
of the video source looks to heve been poor (or has been poorly
transferred) and is disguised by reducing the picture size. King
of Dreams cost a small fortune to make in 1990, and was then
banned, seemingly for showing a girl jumping off a rollercoaster.
Something of an over-reaction! Love Conquers All is a very
silly video indeed, made 'controversial' by the nude cellists.
(photo 10) Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming (photo
11) is an apathetic collage of studio and live footage, based
on a dated looking cd-rom menu. Oh, and it's the full promo, not
just a 'clip' as the track list claims. The promos are all naff,
but at least they're rounded up together for the first time.
live footage kicks in again with a rather weak Woman From Tokyo
from Seoul (not 'Soeul' as the DVD box claims) in March 1995,
and tremendous performances of Fools and 69 from
Montreux, 22nd July 2000. Excellently filmed by Swiss TV, who
aired an hour of the show, these tracks are real highlights of
the disc. (photo 12)
are three extras, the best of which is a lively Under The Gun
promo from 1984, pieced together from rehearsal footage in much
the same way as Perfect Strangers. (photo 13) It looks
like unfinished work, very rough at the edges (again disguised
by small picture frame), but features a grin from Ritchie which
brought a huge cheer when it was shown at the 1995 DPAS Convention;
and a soundtrack which goes beyond the fade at the end, meaning
that you get to hear the take eventually grind to a halt. Great!
The making of Slaves & Masters 'studio footage' is
crap, mostly still photos of the band's equipment, plus bits of
home movies including Ritchie playing football, all overdubbed
with studio tracks ('Fire Ice and Dynamite' is wrongly listed
as being unreleased). To round off is Hush, live in Wollongong
from the 2001 Australian Tour. It's quite roughly filmed, but
is more than the single camera job I was expecting. Musically
it's not my favourite version, a bit of a mess featuring brass
section and girl backing singers. (photo 14)
So, overall it's good value for money (a whopping 183 minutes),
and a welcome addition to the DVD rack. The sloppy presentation
(especially the track listing) has happily been improved on Thames
/ Thompson's latest DVD, ( Ian Paice 'Not For The Pro's').
Browne. Based on a review in DTB54
(corrections / additions to list on dvd box in red)
2. BLACK NIGHT (live, Sydney, 14
Dec 1984)
Dec 1984)
4. NOBODY'S HOME (live, Providence,
5 Mar 1985)
5. A GYPSY'S KISS (live, Paris, 9 July
6. SPACE TRUCKIN' (live, Alpine Valley,
17 Aug 1985)
7. BAD ATTITUDE (promo,
8. CALL OF THE WILD (promo,
9. HUSH (promo,
10. KING OF DREAMS (promo,
12. WOMAN FROM TOKYO (live, Seoul, 19
Mar 1995)
13. PURPENDICULAR WALTZ (live, Bombay,
8 Apr 1995)
15. SPEED KING (live, Moscow, 22
Jun 1996)
16. FIREBALL (live, Sao Paulo, 19
Mar 1997)
17. BLOODSUCKER (live, Hollywood,
28 Jan 1998)
18. NO ONE CAME (live, San
Jose, 8 Feb 1998)
San Jose, 8 Feb 1998)
20. LAZY (live,
Sofia, 28 Nov 1998)
21. SMOKE ON THE WATER (live, Australian
TV, 17
Apr 1999)
22. TED THE MECHANIC (live, Melbourne,
20 Apr 1999)
23. 69 (live, Montreux, 22 Jul 2000)
24. FOOLS (live, Montreux, 22 Jul
-- UNDER THE GUN (promo, 1984)
-- STUDIO FOOTAGE (overdubbed with finished
studio tracks, 1990)
-- HUSH (live, Woolongong, 13 Mar 2001)
of the tracks have been previously released on (now deleted)
video collections. 1,3,4,7 & 8 on 'The Videosingles',
9 on 'Rock'n'Roll Meltdown' (compilation), 10 on 'MetalHead
3' video magazine, 21 on 'A Band Down Under', and 15-20
on 'Around The World 1995-1999'.
tracks are also on (still available) DVDs released by Thames
/ Thompson: 13 on 'Bombay Calling' and 22 on 'Total Abandon'.













Deep Purple
New Live & Rare
is available to buy on dvd
and vhs video from the
online store
deep purple dvd reviews