Purple The second date on DP’s short 2001 European tour was also the second with Don Airey deputizing for the indisposed Jon Lord. Purple headlined a three band line-up in this small Norwegian coastal resort which billed the weekend as “Europe’s Most Picturesque Festival”…watching the sun set over the fjord as DP arrived by luxury powerboat it was hard to disagree!
with 'Woman From Tokyo' it was clear they were confident in the musical
situation they found themselves in. Given that Don was using Jon’s gear
(hint of a fresh coat of paint to hide any distinguishing stencils?!)
the actual sound of the band was remarkably similar to a show including
Jon…it was immediately apparent that Don would have to be judged on
technique and presentation…and he looked and sounded remarkably poised
given the situation. Rumour has it that he had three weeks' notice that
his services may be required plus three days of rehearsal with the band…given
the calibre of all parties it isn’t surprising that they carried it
off with such success. 'Ted
The Mechanic' followed 'Tokyo' and, yes, it was the newest song they
did! Soundwise the most noticeable difference I detected was the greater
presence of the keyboards…I have felt on previous tours that Steve’s
guitar was too loud in the mix, masking Jon’s rhythm work A
brief statement from Ian to let us know it was Don not Jon and why,
then off we went into 'Mary Long' which romped along in much healthier
vein than the somewhat hesitant versions tried out on the 1996 Purpendicular
tour of the UK…if 'Rat Bat Blue' could be 'Lazy'
was Don’s first real solo exposure and its was amusing to hear him quote
directly from MIJ in his introductory piece. 'No One Came' and 'Fools'
zoomed by too fast but sounding fresh, lively and tight…lots of smiles
and encouragement for each other...good camaraderie evident.