took us a while to find the time to sit down and watch this, but
we both found it an exhilarating experience. The transfer to DVD
has thrown up some discussion areas, like how come there are so
many more different camera angles, and we'll try to get answers
to this anon. For 90% of the gig though it's much better, in particular
Space Truckin' and the camera demolition, which is electrifying
to watch now, where it was anti-climactic on the video. The digital
transfer has inevitably shown up some of the limitations of the
old video, but is often sharper and clearer. The biggest boost
is in the audio department, which restores the power and energy
of the show to our screens at last (I bet it's even better in
5.1). Some people may miss one or two of their favourite little
angles from the original, and there is some jerkiness in places
from a couple of the cameras due to the transfer process, but
overall I'd say it was a much better viewing experience. Simon
& Ann
this arrived in the post I was expecting to simply see Deep Purple
Mk3's most famous show transferred from VHS to DVD, with the welcome
addition of 'Lay Down, Stay Down' and two intriguing bonus tracks
built out of alternate camera angles. What I didn't expect was
that the whole show would be an entirely different production
consisting of largely unfamiliar camera angles. As such it turns
out to be way superior to the old VHS version, helped by a sharp
(and loud!) soundtrack and better views of the action, making
the event at last look every bit as dramatic as its larger than
life reputation. Still, it did come as quite a shock, which raises
a lot of questions.
as... why all the different camera angles? No-one knows for sure,
but as this review is on the Internet (bless it's little cotton
socks) I can have a wild stab at an answer, then change it at
a later date if I'm not right. Smashing. Anyway, facts first;
the producers of this DVD transferred ABC's original broadcast
master tape of the show as is, and did not alter the visuals
in any way, beyond cleaning them up. So, we're seeing the original
1974 edit of the show, warts and all; the warts being some rather
soft focus camera work at times and one or two choices of viewpoint
that wouldn't be my personal ones, but over-all the 1974 edit
knocks spots off the old video release and makes the DVD a very
exciting release indeed, even without the bonus items. I suppose
it's now one big bonus item.
get back to the question, why all the different camera angles?
I reckon that the BBC videotape release from 1981 (from which
all other VHS and semi-official DVD versions up to this point
have been made) could have been put together from a stash of raw
Cal Jam footage which came into their possession. The cross-fades
on it show that they most probably had access to some original
camera 'multi--tracks', but perhaps not all, otherwise they might
have made a more exciting job of the attack on the TV camera.
On the BBC tape you witness this from the side, losing the impact
almost completely, while on the ABC DVD you get a lens-eys view,
and are able to chuckle at the immediate effect, as the camera
staggers blurrily on. With such differences there are a few places
where I inevitably miss the BBC edit, namely the 1-2-3-4 beginning
to Blackmore's 'Space Truckin' routine, but for the rest I'm a
happy camper. I do wonder what happened to the footage which the
BBC used, but it seems that for now no-one knows.
did begin to compare the BBC video and ABC DVD versions to work
out how extensive the differences were, and quickly gave up. I'd
say maybe 1 minute of 'Burn' has the same footage on both versions.
I did miss the sight of Paice drumming with his tongue hanging
out from the VHS, but was engrossed with the show as a whole,
something which I only half-expected to happen.
additional material on the main show is great to see, from the
original intro of ABC's broadcast (footage of the band's Boeing
707 'Starship' landing together with the programme announcer's
voice-over), to additional in-between song chatter, (including
Mrs Coverdale's little lad's use of Anglo Saxon-isms which were
unsurprisingly docked by the BBC ... a job they had got used to
over the years!), the additional song, and the extra seconds at
the beginning and end... my favourite being the on-stage announcer's
dumbstruck "that'll be impossible to follow..." at the
end of the set.
the rest, Captain California's 8mm home movies, including views
from the control tower, show the true beauty of the DVD format.
On their own they would look merely chaotic, but in this context
they make a fascinating part of the package. Together with the
ABC master they add immense atmosphere to the event, somewhere
that the old BBC video-tape seemed to lose. It's also nice that
this silent footage has been given a soundtrack of radio spots,
interviews and music. Well done to the producers!
The bonus versions of 'Burn' and 'Might Just Take Your Life' built
out of alternate camera angles lose a lot of their lustre when
set up against a full show littered with alternate camera angles,
but have been entertainingly presented with sharp cuts between
As for the rest.. I don't go for written histories or photo galleries
on DVDs, seeing them as a bit pointless, but maybe that's just
me. The audio commentary is ok, but I feel that most people who
notice the difference in the visuals would be hoping for reference
to the 'new' footage. The lack of commentary from the band is
also unfortunate.
'Live In California 74' is an exciting release, probably more
so than the DVD's producers realised, with plenty to please everyone
from general rock fans, through to Cal Jam connoisseurs (who can
now spend forever dissecting the content). I'd strongly recommend
anyone with any interest in Deep Purple Mk3 to buy it, and to
those who already own the old VHS edition, for God's sake don't
throw it away!" review: David Browne
a bit difficult to do an analytical review of this release, because
I just love it sooo much. How about "WOWWW", that'll do. Love
all the extra bits as well. Y'know you are going to end up getting
criticised one way or the other. The camera angles on the main
video event are quite different from the ones used on the original
video. Mostly this is an enhancement, but I must admit I missed
a few bits, such as Blackmore grinning his head off just before
he lauches into his destruction in 'Space Truckin'. Also there
is an odd bit in 'You Fool No One' where we are suddenly shown
images of Blackmore's solo spot in the middle of the main song.
We then see the same images during his solo spot. Picky I know...
the 8mm additions though, well worth including. Shame though that
none of the band could add their own input for the commentary.
Two people make the show. First of all Ian Paice. You can watch
him from any angle at this gig and he is magnificant, a joy. Also
of course Ritchie. I have always loved his playing during Mk3
and this concert is a wonderful example of his technique around
this time." review: John Blackburn

The Deep Purple 'Live In California 74' DVD is available
to buy from the
online store
disc is Region 0 (all regions), and is available as both