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Deep Purple - Space Vol 1 & 2
know Aachen 1970 quite well, but throughout the opening few minutes
of 'Wring That Neck' alone, I can pick out so much more of Jon's deft
organ work that it might as well be a completely different show.
and Ritchie are really battling throughout this. Jon's second
solo is a lengthy affair, the usual expected combination of classic
/ humorous snippets, where the audience can be detected in the background
applauding wildly. Blackmore's second solo then follows another burst
of the riff, and again you can detect stuff that was clearly inaudible
(hey, my first oxymoron!) on the original boots (to my cloth ears).
And then, before you know it, it's over. Twenty minutes or so over in
the blink of an eye.
Night' next, pumping with energy and enthusiasm, then 'Paint
It Black' shambles in, the chaotic, almost anarchic beginning we're
used to from this era quickly sharpening up, before Paice starts beating
seven shades out of his drum kit.
Closer 'Mandrake Root' is a diabolically
rude blast of sheer power, the vocals overloaded (as they are throughout
the set), but when the musical performance is this good and the quality
this unexpectedly sharp, you just have to sit back and let it all down
to your knees. Clocking in at over 33 minutes, it's the expected musical
tour de force that anyone with other recordings from the era will be
familiar with, Ritchie exercising a restraint over his backing where
you feel he is plotting to unleash something spectacular when he gets
the chance, and eventually when his tremolo arm does come in for some
heavy abuse, coupled with the thundering bass and pounding drums, signalling
the beginning of the end. Things really do reach a caustic peak, willing
you to visualize it in your mind's eye (and I can). A quick "thank you
" and that's your lot.
As soon as Ian Gillan starts to speak, you know that you're in for a
good one. Clear, crisp and completely unmuffled, the sound restoration
alone makes the purchase essential. I have six different boots of this
show and wasn't expecting anything amazing, but I have to say that I'd
arrest anyone on sight who claimed they were a Purple fan and didn't
own a copy of this. Amazing, essential, brilliant. "Do you feel alright?".
Most certainly!
Review : Martin
Purple Records'
official "Sonic Zoom" series makes available live recordings of
Deep Purple between 1968 and 1976 to the collector. The CDs are
available to everyone, but only via mail-order. The Deep Purple
Appreciation Society is the official outlet through dpas online
and their mail-order catalogue. DPAS members are also eligible
for a discount.
Purple live at the Aachen Reiterstadion, July 11th 1970.
In 1970 bootlegging was still a relatively new phenomena
in rock music. With the often imperfect PA systems and the limitations
of tape machines, many recordings from the era are of poor quality.
However, Aachen is in a different league altogether.
has it that the tapes were taken direct from a feed on the stage
and recorded on a basic stereo machine hidden inside a Volkswagen
camper van (which certainly accounts for the overloaded vocals).
In some places the sound is actually panned from one channel
to another, so they may even have mixed it live.
For this CD we have gone back to the first 1970/71 vinyl releases.
These were digitally transferred and speed fluctuations evened
out, before the best version of each number was cleaned up in
the studio with levels tweaked where possible.