Nine, Jan./Feb.1977 |
was a bit of a turning point fan club wise. Issue 9 saw
us take the plunge into a bigger A4 page format, achieved simply
by doing the artwork on an A3 sheet and reducing it at the copying
stage to cram as much in as possible (nothing changes then).
So although it was an eight page magazine, this was equal to
16 pages of the previous format. The layout was landscape rather
than upright, mostly because I just liked the idea. It lasted
like this for another 20 issues but did later cause problems
for the printers. This issue also had a glossy print stapled
in and a postcard of the second Rainbow line-up, neither of
which are available any longer. 1977 was also the year which
saw me plunge in and help on the first vinyl anthology of rare
Deep Purple material (Powerhouse). This was all sparked by a
story in Issue 9 that a four LP box set was being prepared which
would include the Cal Jam set, some rarities and two albums
of stuff off existing albums. I had the cheek to complain that
this was not what fans wanted. Although we supplied the info
for the albumıs contents and did the sleeve notes, we had no
input into the way the material was used or the cover (nor did
we get a fee for the writing - lesson learnt). Still, it was
a start! Issue 9 was also chock full of news about all Purple
band members so although we were still nominally a Blackmore
magazine, all the band were now being covered. I was nearing
the end of college so time was a bit tight as I tried to finish
projects off for final assessment but even so it was our biggest
issue up to then. Inside people were griping about Made In Europe,
especially at the price - £3.60p for a single album! Concert
wise we trekked down to the Albert Hall again to catch Jon Lord
doing a version of Sarabande live supporting David Bedford,
but it was something of a disappointment and quite a costly
trip for us at over £16 all in... The other bad financial news
was that someone shopped me to the authorities for those tapes
I'd offered in Issue 6. A hefty fine was dropped on me out of
the blue. The irony of this was that I'd been taping some of
the Purple bootlegs for the record company with a view to getting
some rare stuff issued! In the end they put in a good word for
me and the case was dropped. Which was just as well; student
grants might have been more generous in those days but they
didn't stretch to covering fines (and anyway I'd spent most
of it on a Pentax SLR for gigs so I was almost broke!).
LIVE REVIEW : Adelaide Festival Theatre
: 1976 Tour |
REVIEW : Made In Europe |
: Album & UK Tour |
REVIEW : Sarabande |
REVIEW : Royal Albert Hall |
: Tommy Bolin Dies |
& pieces |
: Coverdale, Hughes, Ian Gillan Band |

Festival Theatre (afternoon show) -
live review
band arrived in Australia on the18th November, both concerts
within my reach had sold out. Luckily they decided to include
an extra afternoon concert starting at 5pm on 19th November.
As it was an extra, they weren't exactly leaping about or
delivering manic solos, as they had 8pm to think about. This
didn't detract from the concert though, great stuff! The set
was basically the same as the UK Tour, but no encore. During
Carey's solo intro to 'Stargazer' a broomstick appeared and
started poking him in various places (!)...lurking in the
shadows were the culprits, Dio and Blackmore! There couldn't
have been more than 200 people there, of whom only half a
dozen had any idea of what was going on. Ritchie didn't wreck
a single guitar in three gigs in Adelaide." Howie Kehl.
1976 Tour News
The Australian tour programme was a nasty
rip-off, just a black & white copy of the UK one. Over in
Japan the promoters put together a lavish programme, twice the
size of the UK one. The world tour ended there on the 19th of
December. Ritchie flew back to England, laying low and getting
ideas together for the next LP. A live album is still being
decided upon, as well as recording the German concerts, they
also covered some of the Japanese dates.
In Europe - Album Review
I must admit I didn't expect
much from this. Far better to have a recording from 1974 when
this line-up were at their peak. The best number for me is 'Burn';
lovely quiet opening, 'Rock and Roll', then they're away. 'Mistreated'
is a very poor version. Ritchie sounds as if he were in another
band, strictly speaking I suppose he was. The close-down is
'Stormbringer'. I wish Ritchie had beaten his guitar to bits,
and stormed off. That would have sounded incredible.
& Tour News
Paice / Ashton / Lord seems fixed as the title
for the new group, though the name Ghosts was used for a while
before being dropped. Their album's release date is February
1st 1977, the title is 'Malice In Wonderland' (excellent!) Alan
Freeman nipped in early on his show with two unmixed tracks
from the album. They are set to tour the UK in March, and are
due to appear on the new 'Sight & Sound In Concert' tv show
on March 16th. They have also been filming their progress up
'til now, with a documentary in mind. They even reconstructed
guitarist Bernie Marsden's audition for the cameras!
- Album Review
The most important thing about this LP is
that it begins to show just how good a keyboard player Jon Lord
can be. There are runs here that wouldn't be out of place coming
out of Blackmore's guitar! Lord has succeeded in capturing a
variety of styles under a common heading. All in all quite a
worthwhile effort then, certainly a vast improvement on 'Windows'!
The Royal Albert Hall - Live Review
Jon Lord was one of nine keyboard players
to take part in a performance of David Bedford's 'The Odyssey'
on January 25th 1977. He performed a selection from 'Sarabande'
during the first half of the show, for which he and his crew
were given just 23 minutes on stage They were practically unrehearsed
by the sounds of things, and the music suffered as a result.
All we got was an inferior reconstruction of some of the LP.
During the unbelievably boring 'Odyssey', Lord stayed put with
his double-decker ARP's. He got a big cheer when his name was
mentioned in Bedford's closing thank-you's. In the audience
were Ian Paice and Roger Glover too.
to the top
death of Tommy Bolin
would appear that I'm one of the few people who actually enjoyed
the last Deep Purple UK Tour. I saw the Saturday Wembley concert
(reckoned to be one of the only good ones) and I particularly
liked 'Lady Luck' and 'Love Child'. One thing I've disliked
in the magazine is the slanging of Tommy Bolin. He was a great
guitarist, sadly no more. I hope he can rest in peace now."
Kazen Modaberi.
people wrote in about Tommy Bolin's death. I'm not going to
become a hypocrite and say I never meant anything I wrote. However
it was sad news all the same. I just got nothing out of his
playing, it wasn't his fault, obviously a lot of people did,
and will continue to do so from his records. I play 'Come Taste
The Band' a lot now, it seems the most honest Purple LP since
'Made In Japan'. I can listen to it and imagine them having
a great time recording it. It was on the live scene that it
really fell apart.
& Pieces
Coverdale's first solo album has been completed
now, and will be released in the UK in late February. It's called
'White Snake'. Jon Lord for one has been making very enthusiastic
remarks about it.
Nobody knows what's going on here, first he's
back with Trapeze, then they won't have him, now his much vaunted
solo LP is on the way, with Trapeze men Galley & Holland
on it!
Ian Gillan Band
The Gillan Band announced a long British Tour,
and then promptly cancelled it in order to go back into the
studios and re-record their second album, 'Clear Air Turbulence',
as Gillan wasn't happy with the first try. This was re-done
at Kingsway, London just before Christmas.
to the top
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from the dpas
online store
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İ 2002 DPAS/Darker
Than Blue.
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