42 December 1991
ink (we'd tried dark blue on Issue 41). The Slaves & Masters
tour rolled on into America, then back to Europe, and even though
the magazine still had the air of 'shell-shocked editor' about
it, things were calming down. Ian Gillan's first post - DP Reunion
album was just out, and that gave us something to look forward
we took the opportunity to look back at Knebworth, with the
release of the double vinyl album/CD set in July (which I again
went to town with on the artwork; Connoisseur never forgave
me for using a fifth day-glo ink on the sleeve!), take a good
look at old Deep Purple tour programmes from 1968 to 1991, and
feature three pages on the band's first and last UK gigs.
launch of our own CD label RPM Records was announced; I think
our first three titles were out just before Xmas, although the
label officially started in early 1992. Needless to say, there
were plenty of Purple related ideas for this, although the idea
of the label was to delve into all areas of popular music. There
was also the feeling that the three of us who started the label
were just so fed-up at working for other people's labels, and
seeing them balls things up (in particular I'd had a run in
with Castle, about to reissue "Private Eyes" and saying 'does
it really need new sleeve notes?'). The label is still going,
although I am no longer involved with it. Which makes it sound
like that's the reason it's still doing well! This,
and the onward march of digital technology, had also spurred
me on to go back to college to get some experience using Apple
Macs computers and Desk Top Publishing software. So issue 42
was the last to be put together using the old Amstrad PCW.
It might be hard to believe it now, but a reprinted article
covered the story of Glenn Hughes and Linda Blair getting hitched.
This was included as there wasn't any actual news from the man
himself, beyond the fact that he had appeared on stage in the
UK with Trapeze, and there were signs that his self-imposed
exile was about to end. The magazine also had Ian Gillan's infamous
sock photograph reproduced across half a page, courtesy of the
man himself. If you don't know what we're talking about, well
we'll not spoil the surprise except to say he's wearing a sock!
I also note that I'd managed to catch Nine Inch Nails live over
in Manchester. It was a superb show, but what is really strange
is, as I type this, I've just been over again to see them, and
astonishing 14 years later... anyway, that's Issue 42 - 28 pages
packed full of meaty goodness.!
: 1991 US Tour |
: Slaves & Masters World Tour News |
: Knebworth 85 CD |
REVIEW : Wind In the Willows |
: Four Piece Gillan Band |
REVIEW : Toolbox |
: Highlander 2 |

US Tour - News
for the band's American tour went on sale in mid March, and
many were priced quite reasonably - this was in an effort to
counteract the general down-turn in the live rock scene which
has affected ticket sales across the board there this year.
Purple were due to hit the road in Burlington on April 4th,
but for some reason the first couple of gigs were put back and
the Burlington show took place instead on the 10th. Support
for the tour was US outfit Winger and the pace was a little
less hectic than previous tours, with quite a few breaks: twenty
five shows due to end in Denver on May 18th. Needless to say,
some of our US faithful managed to catch the band.
15th. Michigan. "Much to my surprise, I really enjoyed the show.
As much as I disliked 'Slaves', after seeing the band live I
think they deserve my full attention. It's not Mk2 but they
were still damn good! Ian Paice was superb with a lengthy solo
in 'Smoke', the longest solo of the tour he later told me."
John Barnes.
everyone was so lucky. "I'd given up thoughts of seeing them.
My plane was due in at 8.45 and I knew they came on at 9.15
- but the theatre is 45 minutes from the airport, Our plane
arrived early so I threw my suitcase to a friend and grabbed
a cab, only to arrive at the theatre at 9.10 and find there
was no show. Needless to say I was upset at the cancellation
as well as the $40 cab fare. The girl at Thames Talent could
not or would not give me any explanation, but suggested I call
in from time to time to see if the tour was going to be resumed!"
Eric Eisenstein. Eric wasn't the only one to miss out. Sometime
after the shows at Philadelphia Tower on April 19th and 20th
the rest of the tour was simply pulled. As to why they cancelled,
well it's hardly the sort of thing the band's press office will
be issuing stories about. There is no doubt that sales for some
shows were slow, on the other hand in other tons they had to
switch to bigger venues to cope with demand for tickets.
& Masters World Tour, from Japan to Israel - News
Japanese shows were anounced at very short notice for June 1991,
and all the tickets (for Tokyo at least) went very quickly.
The audience however remained unexcited, prompting Jon Lord
to come to the mike and tell them to wake up! Originally
the band planned to redo some of the US shows, and Vince Chong
sent us an advert for a gig at Kingswood, in Toronto, Canada.
However this series of Purple shows was cancelled in its entirety.
Instead the band had more time off until late August when they
had lined up shows in Brazil; four in Sao Paolo, and three elsewhere.
The band flew in early on August 15th, to find press people
waiting - sadly not for them but the national women's volleyball
team! The first gig was delayed three hours, because the lasers
were delayed at customs. The press were fairly merciless in
the reviews; they all bemoaned the lack of Gillan. The touring
routine began to take on the scope of an alternative world tour
as shows in eastern Europe were slotted in. Following
Poland and Greece they played two shows in Israel on 28th &
29th September, incuding one in Tel Aviv.
85 - News
finally sneaked out on the July 8th 1991 official release date,
with advance orders getting on for 30,000 copies. The project
turned a little sour when it became clear that we weren't going
to be able to get UNDER THE GUN or WOMAN FROM TOKYO on to the
set. Windsong & Strange Fruit issue quite a lot of BBC material
and they've done some sort of deal to put out Friday Rock Show
recordings. Claiming that Deep Purple's Knebworth set was one
such presentation, they'd taken the tapes! A situation developed
whereby the whole project might have to be scuppered, so we
went with what the BBC had left. The BBC records show that WOMAN
FROM TOKYO was taped, but we still don't know about UNDER THE
GUN (it's largely academic now in any case).
for packaging, plans for a nice limited vinyl edition in a wallet,
with prints, a poster and pass were scotched by the higher ups
at Connoisseur. I did want to feature the audience more though,
and make it a souvenir for people who were there. I spent so
much time and energy on the gatefold (I know it's crazy but
somehow they still seem to merit it, maybe 'cos I know each
one I do could be the last) that the CD package suffered, The
LP back simply wouldn't reduce, so I had to rush an alternative
In The Willows, Freiburg, June 14-15th 1991 -
Live Review
Wind In The Willows - The Concert took place in a marquee at
a Freiburg music festival on June 14th and 15th. In concept
the piece is very much like the Butterfly Ball - only this time
the animals trot into town, check out how bad things are, and
trot back. The gig lasted two and a half hours. Jon Lord was
the main draw for Deep Purple fans, other luminaries included
Graham Bonnet, Don Airey and Ray Fenwick. As it was a set piece,
I couldn't see Lordy being able to stretch out much, but it
could be I was wrong.
second show was filmed by four cameras. The music was very good,
especially the first half, Jon seemed to get a solo every othre
song, and one together with Don Airey. For this Jon did a bit
like Space Truckin', worth the effort of travelling on its own.
Don Airey impressed me too, and Ray Fenwick kept the whole thing
together. At the end the audience were boiling and we got four
encores, though we had to scream for a long time before the
last one! They did 'Love Is All', 'Gimme Some Lovin' and two
more." Helmut Gerlach. (a recent dvd of the show is
reviewed here)
New Gillan Band - News
Before setting about recording, Ian debuted his new live band
in Russia, arriving in Moscow on June 27th. Just a handful of
gigs to warm them up, done as a four piece. Ian, Steve Morris,
plus new bassist Brett Bloomfield (from Starship), and drummer
Leonard Haze from Y&T. In Augist, Gillan, as they now seem
to be calling themselves, played a long standing engagement
in Denmark; festivals in Odense on the 10th and Skanderborg
the next day.
Heide was at the shows - "It
was a beautiful day, with the sun shining. Ian loved it but
Steve wasn't fond of playing outdoors in the daylight. Out of
a set just over an hour long, they only did four old numbers,
including 'Maybe I'm A Leo'. While they were a little rough
after just one rehearsal they sounded good. The bass player
was a real livewire and Steve has grown immensely since the
last tour, without keyboards or rhythm guitar he is working
really hard and it sounds much better. At the second show Ian
sensed the crowd were largely unresponsive, so they opened with
'Smoke On The Water' to get them going. 'Black Night' was also
/ Toolbox - Album
GILLAN. TOOLBOX. East West- : October 14th 1991 : UK LP/CD
Eagerly awaited or at least looked forward to with curiosity
by many of you, IAN GILLAN's new album hit the stores just as
we were finishing the magazine. I shall be interested to see
how people take to it. NAKED THUNDER got a better reaction within
the DPAS than I'd expected, and I wonder if I'll be the only
one feeling a little unsure about this new one. The unease stems
from the feeling that they've concentrated too much on one aspect
of Ian's style and in so doing sacrificed much of what it is
most of us love about his work; the humour and unpredictability.
that they've done a bad job you understand, but it lacks (to
my ears) something to lift it or mark it out as more than just
another competent rock album. And rock album it certainly is;
forget the often commercial edges with which Naked Thunder abounded
(and made its lack of success even more disappointing), here
Ian and the band just go straight down the line from start to
finish. That's not to say he doesn't hit you in places; most
of TOOLBOX is great fun (life is indeed a box of rocks!) but
few of the tracks keep it up all the way through. For me the
opening track CANDY HORIZON is the best of the "straightforward"
rock numbers. The tingle factor is supplied by the start of
DON'T HOLD ME BACK, you can forgive him anything for the first
few moments of this number. It's down to the Beastie Boy/Aerosmith
influenced DANCING NYLON SHIRT to provide what is still for
me the albums real highlight though. Part 1 is good and when
Ian launches into his "come here boy", we're back on real Gillan
form. But it's the reprise at the end of the album which takes
me off - Ian seems to shrug off any restraints and just lays
in to the lyrics. It's imaginative, you can feel the spark and
hear the enjoyment. Brilliant.
& Highlander 2 - News
Hughes has been on a UK stage at least three times that we know
of since last issue. He did a full set of Trapeze material down
in London in July, and two guest spots as well. One of these
was with Nicko McBrain, Iron Maiden's drummer, who was doing
a set with mates at The Standard in Walthamstow. The other was
with AOR funsters FM, with whom Glenn did a Stevie Wonder song.
That's the good news (and by saying that you know what's coming
next don't you?).
heard early in August that Glenn's album had been dropped by
Warner Brothers. This seems to be a culmination of events which
have dogged the recording. It was all finished back last year,
but when reaction from a few friends was a little critical he
began tinkering and redoing bits and it seems Warners aren't
prepared to put any more money into it. The upshot of all this
is that the album probably won't now come out, although if he
gets another deal I could imagine some of the tracks might be
reworked. So that just leaves us with one new recording on the
film soundtrack to Highlander as mentioned last issue.
ARTISTS. Music From & Inspired By The Film Highlander 2, Bronze
9031 73657 2, Europe 1991, CD
fans are well advised to look this out - at once. To my mind
his track, 'Haunted', is one of the best vocal performances
Glenn has ever done, almost whispered in places, and really
haunting. The musical backing (by Robin George) is OK but rather
cliched, and one would have liked a rather more imaginative
job to match the effort Glenn puts in to it. It has chart potential
too, in a superior sort of way.
to the top
in the magazine...
Purple, 1991 Slaves & Masters Tour new & reviews ...... Knebworth
85 CD news .... Green Bullfrog remaster news ....
RPM news..... Deep Purple concert programmes feature ..... Ian Gillan,
Cher Kazoo news ..... Deep Purple, Warrington 1968 and Liverpool 1976
feature .... David Coverdale news .... Tommy Bolin news ..... questions
& answers ..... vinyl & cd reviews .....
Ian Paice interview ..... Deep Purple singles discography: Denmark
... video column (Mk1 video found)
the magazine can
be purchased from the dpas
online store
the DPAS
2005 DPAS/Darker Than Blue.
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