40 November / December 1990
the DPAS gets blacklisted as we roll with the news of Joe Lynn
Turner and fail to curb the sarcasm meter sufficiently. Which
is fair enough; we don't put in all this work just to try and
get free passes, but rather because we share the passion of
so many fans for the band. And this move just pushed the envelope
too far for some.
I actually wasn't as hard on Slaves & Masters as a lot of people
like to pretend, and certainly there is nothing there which
hasn't been said by members of the band since. What probably
did for me was a prominent second page spoof rejection letter,
as if getting the tape from an unsigned band.
the band had grumbled about the DPAS before, after this we were
now no persona non grata in some quarters - and remain so to
this day. My main regret looking back is that it could have
been wittier. And perhaps stuck at the back of the magazine!
Some members liked the LP, many more had fun coming up with
alternate titles (Grave And Disasterous, Slaves To The Master
etc.), but at the end of the day a lot of us felt deceived when
the central tenet of the reunion had been the Mk 2 line-up,
and here we were being dished up a new line-up of Rainbow, no
matter how it was dressed up.
for the ex-singer, Gillan was off and running with Naked Thunder
with loads of live reviews, mostly very favourable too - which
was good, as the album had seemed less adventurous than we'd
expected. On the archive front, there was good news with the
release at last of some classic Dio era live Rainbow from Connoisseur
which we were heavily involved in getting out. Despite a lack
of time for the mix, the end result is still the most powerful
statement that this band has ever made on disc.
this and on textured paper to boot! Looking through, I'm reminded
of us being visited by Magnus Danielsson - who got across for
one of the Gillan shows with his Swedish mates, and turned up
in next doors garden at half three in the morning, scaring our
two female neighbours stiff. "We though the vikings had landed"
they told us afterwards. I'm still not sure how we managed to
fit them all in the house to this day. It was nice to see Magnus
again earlier this year and see him still as passionate about
the group as we are. Even if we did reminisce in the slightly
more upmarket surroundings of Chatsworth House farm shop restaurant.
But that's really what this fan club has been all about for
REVIEW : Slaves & Masters |
REVIEW : King Of Dreams |
REVIEW : Naked Thunder |
: No Good Luck Single |
: Naked Thunder Tour: USSR, Brazil & Europe |
REVIEW : Doncaster |
& LIVE REVIEW : Donnington |
REVIEW : The Last Note Of Freedom |
: Solo album |

& Masters - Album Review
Maybe it was naive of me to expect them to have come up with
material which demands to be listened to. That's what made Purple
special. Would Deep Purple still be inspiring adoration twenty
years on if they'd been turning out albums like this for all
that time? I think not.
Lynn Turner is a very competent vocalist, and let's face it
didn't exactly force himself into the band, but his singing
always seemed so samey to me. Very occasionally it went beyond
that; maybe on Jealous Lover, certainly that glorious live take
of Stranded. It's hard to listen to the album and ignore the
JLT factor, but when you do much of it is pretty ordinary anyway.
idea of evolving the album from jamming has given a laid back
feel which might have been better tempered by a hard edge at
times, but at least Ritchie seems to enjoy the looseness and,
while he doesn't turn in much to tingle the spine, his playing
does work in a group context. The opening trio all have promise
instrumentally - especially KING OF DREAMS - which chugs along
with some inspired keyboard work, delicate and subtle, and attractive
little touches of guitar. The band are almost rocking on THE
CUT RUNS DEEP, and life really returns come FIRE IN THE BASEMENT
once the predictable opening riff is out of the way. I'm reminded
of LAZY at times, a real fast shuffle powered along by Roger
and lan. FORTUNETELLER is slow to start but picks up - with
Ritchie kicking out a little as it reaches the end. More than
can be said for TOO MUCH IS NOT ENOUGH. It's the sort of idea
that needs a stylist like Robert Palmer to carry off. The plodding
cowbell and cliched synth work really is plumbing new depths.
So to WICKED WAYS. Fnally we see Paicey livening up and I quite
like JLT's "bring on the band of angels" bit. The
addition of Ian Gillan's talent on some of the tracks might
have cracked it, but elsewhere we're looking at a group who
seem to have lost all sense of purpose.
Of Dreams - Single Review
King Of Dreams / Fire In The Basement
RCA 49247/8 : Europe : October 1990
as 7" (with edited a-side, 12" (with edit and full
version), and 5" CD with logo printed on. As expected it's
a multi-country pressing, made in Germany for sale across Europe.
The music? Hardly the most likely choice of hit from the album.
All formats had cover art similar to the LP. Poster have LP
art on, and there are white flyers too.
Thunder - Album
Production wise it's very up to date but somewhat sparse, at
times there is almost nothing happening. I think this has perhaps
shown up weaknesses in some tracks. That's the downside of it
all for me. On the other hand some of the tracks are so catchy
it's practically a crime they aren't hit singles. The two opening
cuts, GUT REACTION and TALKING TO YOU really seem to hit the
mark, as hard hitting as any stadium rockers, even if the latter
does come over as Son of Living For The City on first hearing.
The following two numbers fail to really capitalise on the opening
salvo, NO GOOD LUCK has promise despite horrible keyboards.
NOTHING BUT THE BEST has survived the journey from Garth Rockett
but comes aver a little on the corny side lyric wise and soon
runs out of steam. LIVING ON BORROWED TIME has some cracking
vocals, which ought to have dominated the track. Instead the
rather bombastic sections tend to overpower it.
has a weary chorus line and comes from the Coverdale song book
- pass! The second side also has its ups and downs. NOTHING
TO LOSE just fails to make it, very empty sounding in places.
LONG & LONELY RIDE is, despite some more annoying synth work,
one of my favourites. Surely a likelier single choice than those
used? The vocals are way ahead of the backing in places. LOVE
GUN finally sees them letting rip a little, a real touch of
Gillan magic. BRAZOS? Think I'll stick with the Moonshiners
video version. They've been unable to resist tinkering with
it, losing the essence of the early version I heard in the studio.
On the whole most people's reactions have been very positive.
Good Luck - Single
GOOD LUCK / LOVE GUN - ROCK & ROLL GIRLS (the latter a non
LP track), was issued on both 7" , 5" CD and 12" . The 12" came
in a rather suspect "In Rock" sleeve. Suggested by Ian as an
early idea for the LP he quickly thought better of it. However
Teldec decided it might stir up a bit of controversy and used
it on the 12". It failed to get a reaction, except from people
who like me thought it very poorly painted! Ian asked Teldec
to knock it on the head, so later copies came out in the same
photo sleeve as the 7" & CD. Ironically because the single didn't
sell well, this later design is much rarer!
Germany they went with a different single initially: NOTHING
CD. HOLE IN MY VEST is unissued in the UK.
Thunder, Album & Tour - News
Ian's NAKED THUNDER tour kicked off in May with two dozen shows
in Russia. The set revolved around recent material, Gillan Band
tunes and older rock & roll classics. He decided not to do any
Deep Purple tunes for the first leg of the tour. While in Russia
Ian also got married again. Not another woman we hasten to add,
but his present wife - again. After the Russian tour Ian returned
briefly to the UK, where he and other stars of the Smoke/Armenia
project received gold discs, presented at the Soviet Embassy
on June 28th.
Naked Thunder Ian signed to TELDEC, and got put on EastWest
records here, part of the VEA conglomerate. They seemed prepared
to put some effort into launching the album. However the follow
up was less than wonderful; Ian told us he'd had people complaining
they couldn't find the album. For my own part I was able to
find just one copy of the 12" single here. The CD I've yet to
see at all here.
August the band were in Rio filming the video for 'No Good Luck',
then doing half a dozen shows before returning to the UK. On
24th they were filmed in concert at Central Television Studios.
They are being shown on a programme called Bedrock (which goes
out at something like 3am in the morning!), and will then be
flogged on video-cassette via Castle Communications. Ian's
band includes Steve Morris from The Moonshiners, Chris Glen
and Ted McKenna on bass and drums respectively come from MSG,
and The Sensational Alex Harvey Band in the 70s. Tommy Eyre
on keyboards was in the Gary Moore band with Ian Paice, Dave
Lloyd was singer with rock band Rage (previously Nutz), while
second guitarist Mick O'Donoghue was in Grand Prix.
- Live Review
They've built a modern leisure centre in Doncaster, with the
games hall doubling as a concert venue. I
enjoyed the show, Ian was in particularly fine form, and the
material well chosen. Some people have complained that there
wasn't enough from the Gillan Band days but Ian did cover a
lot of that ground on the Moonshiners tours. It was magic just
to hear the riff to Demon's Eye and like others I was fooled
by When A Blind Man Cries, as the intro was just like the old
IGB Child In Time start. The band were generally tight and professional,
especially the rhythm section, and Morris seemed to play well,
though the mix didn't make much of his efforts. The secod guitarist
seemed superfluous to me, and I wasn't overawed by the keyboard
player even though he spent most of his time on a Hammond. Image
wise the backing singer didn't fit too weil, but as some people
have said if using one helps Ian out then it's perhaps a sensible
to the top
Donnington - Live
Judging from the lack of reviews not many of you ventured out
to Donnington on August 18th. Anyway Meurig Thomas risked
the festival. "DC was on Radio One Friday 17th, first on Mike
Read's show plugging Donnington, then later on Roundtable with
Andrew Lloyd Webber reviewing the singles, which interestingly
included Gillan's No Good Luck effort. I was suprised how good
the overall festival was, I'd vowed never again after Knebworth
but the day was a scorcher, Unlike DC, for the first three songs
he was just shouting out of tune, He never reached any of the
high notes and there was "techno" delay to assist his screams,
Oddly enough the highlight of the show was Is This Love, normally
a pretty bland song, but he sang it well without screaming once,
Ain't No Love was OK but got "metalised" nearer the end, Basically
Aerosmith blew them off stage, I don't know how it sounded on
the radio".
Well nor do I. I fully intended to give it a whirl, but when
I switched on at an estimated start time I discovered the band
were about to go off! From the appalling way they were treating
Still Of The Night - complete with singalong bits - I'm glad
I did miss it. For those not in the know the entire gig was
aired live on BBC Radio 1. The following weekend MTV Europe
aired interviews and bits of footage from the festival in a
long special. I think most people were surprised as DC had gone
to great lengths promising a new set with lots of oldies and
guest appearences by former members. In the event the set was
exactly the same as the US tour and no ex-snakers trod the boards...
Slip Of The Tongue, Slide It In, Judgement Day, Slow An Easy,
Kittens Got Claws, Is This Love, Cheap An Nasty, Crying In The
Rain, Fool For Your Loving, Here I Go Again, Bad Boys/Children
Of The Night. encores Ain't No Love.
Last Note Of Freedom - Single
Last Note Of Freedom +2
Epic 656292 6 : UK : Sep 1990
This had
a lot of airplay but failed to emulate two other 45's from the
film, After listening to it I must say I'd rather hear David
tackling this sort of stuff than churning out another LP like
Slip Of The Tongue. His performance has real feel. Indeed it's
probably some of his best singing in a long time. I'd recommend
it as evidence that David does have a future beyond endless
retreads of Whitesnake's back-catalogue. I think I recall him
saying he'd written it too but the lyrics are credited to Billy
Idol - the ignomy! To boost chart action chances, there is also
a 7" (the edit sounds stronger than the LP version on the 12"),
a 5" CD (which has both 7" & LP takes) and if you look hard
enough a 7" poster edition, with a live pic of the man on.
Solo Album - News
Hughes is making good progress with his solo album. The plans
were to have the album finished by August 1990, followed by
release in January 1991, along with a single, both on the Bronze
label. The tracks feature a variety of musicians, we've run
through most of the names before. On June 18th he did a week's
work with guitarist Pat Thrall, who was in the UK and had a
few days spare from his duties with Asia. Also helping out down
at the Nomis studios near Hammersmith were Dave Holland and
Mel Galley, Glenn's old Trapeze cohorts. They planned to lay
down a couple of the numbers which Glenn and Mel had written
for a possible Trapeze reunion project some years ago.
Finally two of the tracks left off his solo album are being
reworked for the soundtrack of Highlander II, with Stewart Copeland
(ex-Police) involved.
to the top
in the magazine...
Live In Germany 76, news......The Legendary Joe Meek, book review.....Olympic
Rock'n Blues Circus III
.......Superdrumming III ..... Glenn Hughes, Play Me Out / Four On
The Floor ..... Ian Gillan, Naked Thunder Tour Reviews ..... Whitesnake
news .... video column .... questions & answers ..... vinyl &
cd reviews ..... Jon Lord interview
the magazine can
be purchased from the dpas
online store
the DPAS
2005 DPAS/Darker Than Blue.
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