29 July 1984
mind about JFK - where were you when the reunion announcement
was made via the Tommy Vance programme on April 27th 1984?
Needless to say a fair number of the dpas members were tuned
in to his Friday evening radio show, and were probably surprised
- as I was when a couple of notes into Blackmore's solo single
we realised something was up...
We spent
the next couple of months grinning like lunatics and working
on the new magazine with a new sense of purpose. David Coverdale
had been earmarked for the cover but that went out the window
and we opted for a blow-up of the very first press confirmation
(which came in the Evening Standard that same night as the
Vance show went out).
Six more
pages of reunion news followed, along with all the press reports
from the preceding eight years. "Let's enjoy it while we can..."
were my sage words of advice. Little did any of us imagine
that the reunion would last over twice as long as the original
era. Needless to say the rest of the magazine seemed something
of an anticlimax; Whitesnake has just finished a tour but
there was disappointment at Lord's seeming disinterest (now
we knew why!) and that he was so hard to hear anyway. We caught
a couple of shows and David seemed to be up and down with
some magic moments, but some rather cliched stuff as well.
Paicey was biding his time with Gary Moore - who was also
talking of recording with Glenn. Gillan had gone out with
his final Sabbath shows on a real high note according to reviews
we had in, while Blackmore had indulged himself in some orchestral
shows with Rainbow in Japan - shows which twenty years on
he still won't authorise for release anywhere else!
in the magazine my fascination with Episode Six found me making
a first attempt to chart the history of this pre-Purple band
in detail over five packed pages. At that point nobody had
reissued any of the band's singles officially, and I little
imagined I'd be working on a rarities collection two decades
on. A couple of pages of vinyl and it was all over for another
I note
I'd made several fruitless attempts to contact Bruce Payne
for some official word on events, but had no success. And
at transatlantic rates I wasn't really in a situation to keep
trying. As for the club, well the reunion meant a total reshuffle
of the magazine which held it up a bit. Strapped for cash
I was also learning loads of new skills like plumbing and
wiring to help the new house along (we'd bought it off a divorced
couple - and they'd split with the house only partially refurbished!).
As I write this I've just been doing the same under the kitchen
floor of our new place! A three month bus dispute locally
over forthcoming plans to privatise them had also made life
difficult (we were 100% behind the action but being carless
it even forced us to miss a couple of gigs). We'd also gone
and taken out a PO Box Number to stop our new letter box creaking
under the strain. I also notice a rave review of a Whitesnake
gig from a young Dave Browne from Northern Ireland... I wonder
where he got to?
: Deep Purple Mk2 Reform |
REVIEW : Slide It In |
REVIEW : Liverpool Royal Court |
: Sykes In, Galley Injured, Lord Out |
NEWS : Slide It In (US Mix) |
MOORE (with Ian Paice)
REVIEW : Hammersmith Odeon |
SABBATH (with Ian Gillan)
REVIEW : Toledo Sports Arena |
: Live With An Orchestra |
REVIEW : The Country Diary Of An Edwardian Lady |
: Hughes Thrall |

Purple Mk2 Reform - News
we should get so many people writing and asking us if it was
true is an indication of the frequency at which the Deep Purple
to reform stories have been and gone over the years; so much
so that when it did happen, people still thought it was another
At the end of 1982 the Mk 2 reunion got within a hair's breadth
of coming off. The plans were for a new album, some warm-up
dates in South America then a world tour. One European promoter
had provisionally booked the venues, and for the UK Glasgow,
Manchester and London were singled out. Of the main protagonists
Blackmore and Glover were free to jack Rainbow in as they wished.
lan Paice had landed a "temporary permanent position" with Gary
Moore. Jon was still with Whitesnake but his contributions were
becoming less and less audible with each album and tour. lan
Gillan, well lan had dropped himself in it. Half way through
the winter 82 Gillan tour the news broke that he had been advised
to quit singing for six months or risk permanent damage to his
throat. He disbanded Gillan but amidst pointed accusations from
some members as to his real motives. The reunion fell through
for reasons never really explained, and the plans were dropped,
or more likely simply postponed. There was only one news report
to reach us, from Sweden's daily newspaper in Jan 83 which gave
the reunion dates as the summer of 1984 pending Jon's agreement.
With hindsight this turned out to be something of a scoop, though
at the time it simply got filed with all the other reports.
or around April 18th 1984 the five members of Deep Purple Mk
2 met up at the offices of Thames Talent over in New York, and
a contract was signed for the band to reform. The news broke
in the London Evening Standard on Friday April 27th and later
that evening on BBC Radio One. It was about 11.30 pm. and Tommy
Vance started rambling on about how he had some news about a
band who had been very very (about 12 very's) very big in the
70's... "I'm going to play four records which featured the members
of this band before the group was formed". A split second after
the first note I knew it had to be...Ritchie's solo single.
We were left to ponder the enormity of the task they'd set themselves
and try to get some sleep. The album will have to be superhuman
to even come close to living up to the legend they've become.
It In - Record Review
Liberty LBG 2400001 UK:Feb 1984
it out. Mr. Coverdale finds more ways to recycle the same old
phrases yet again. All in all nothing much has changed; can
you honestly find much difference between this and the Snakebite
EP six years back? (Quiet those who say sure, that was better!).
'Slide It In', tatty chorus / hook with a vocal leer at the
end which makes me shudder. 'Standing In The Shadow' has but
a very brief low key vocal bit near the end to recommend it,
while 'Give Me More Time' highlights the vocal problems which
are very much in evidence, something which hasn't been a problem
in the past ( and to be fair may well be something to do with
the strained circumstances under which they were taped). The
high register work sounds really strained. 'Love Ain't No Stranger',
shows promise, though for me the track is ruined by being taken
at twice the speed it ought to have been. Another ethereal Lordy
intro opens 'Slow & Easy' , but I don't find Coverdale at
all convincing . The Zepplinesque feel is no great worry, Plant's
not got much of a voice anyway, but Zepp could write and knew
when to lay off - I'm talking of that drum barrage repeated
over and over til it loses all it's impact. We close with 'Guilty
Of Love', which like 'Gambler' seems to have lost a lot of the
bite which it had on 45, which wasn't that much. I can't understand
how bands with far less talent can come out with incredibly
powerful studio sounds when here Cozy sounds like he's playing
a cardboard box.
Court, Liverpool - Live Review
Coverdale's performance wavered from the incredibly good ('Love
Ain't No Stranger' for example) to sounding very strained. I
don't get any fun out of 'Ain't No Love..' which could be phased
out to no great loss, but I did find 'Fool For Your Loving'
has regained some of its early power. Shivers down the spine
moment was as usual 'Soldier Of Fortune', seemed to go on for
group apart from David appear to be well under his control,
all given shares of the spotlight etc with Sykes wheeled out
every so often to try and impress us (this feeling was even
more pronounced where we were as half the band were hidden behind
the enormous PA giving the effect that members were hiding in
the wings!), and it doesn't really make for much freedom of
expression. Jon's solo wasn't up to much but he made up for
this on the next night with a lovely ramble around the Hammond
without resorting to any Purple bits at all.
now the band don't seem quite certain which way to head. Half
the time they seem to want to hang on to the Moody / Marsden
era, and at other times they seem to be just hanging back from
the edge of something good.
In, Galley Injured, Lord Out - News
the UK tour the band crossed into Europe where the dates came
to an abrupt end after Mel Galley suffered a crushed arm. They
did a couple of shows as a five piece and returned home, only
to say good-bye to Jon. This threw the plans for concentrated
US dates into confusion. Geffen had mailed back the Slide It
In LP marked unsuitable, so it was remixed and partly retaped
to include Sykes & Murray, and this was to be heavily plugged
in a market where the band have had little success so far.
John Sykes' confirmation came in December 83, and they were
in the studios for a photo session on Jan 4th 1984. He's a veteran
of Thin Lizzy and has done some solo stuff too, but don't expect
too much coverage in the mag. Neil Murray slipped back into
the band as if he'd never been away. However he still seems
to get ignored on stage, the 40 second romp with Jon being his
"solo"; but his playing cut through well at Nottingham. The
band aim to be back in action headlining some Jap festivals
during the summer, possibly using an off-stage keyboard player
rather than a proper replacement.
It In (US Mix) - Record News
GHS 4018: USA: 1984
work doesn't seem that different, so it's mainly Sykes and the
mix which need noting. 'Slow & Easy; has a very different
sound, crisper, and more echo. 'Love Ain't No Stranger' has
a clean jingly sound, while 'All or Nothing' is dirty sounding,
heavy too, the direction they seem to be moving in general.
The 'Spit It Out' riff is sharper and cleaner. 'Give Me More
Time' has a different guitar solo which goes nowhere quickly.
Moody is also missed in the slower passages of 'Standing In
The Shadow' where he was more fluid." Brian Jackson
back to the top
IAN PAICE (with Gary Moore)
Odeon - Live Review
can't remember the order of the tracks, but highlights for me
were 'Shapes Of Things', 'Wishing Well' and 'Empty Rooms'. Although
Gary Moore's guitar playing was breathtaking at times, tracks
tended to be spoilt by his singing, which at best is second
rate. Barry Manilow clone Neil Carter sang much better. Craig
Gruber seemed a little uninspired, standing very still while
Moore and Carter jumped around like a couple of fairies! Paice's
drum solo was their best I've ever seen, and he got the biggest
applause of the evening. An enjoyable concert bar the vocals."
Philip Hobson
Paice is not on the 'Live At The Marquee' album issued
in Japan. It comes from a 1981 show with Tommy Aldridge on drums.
There will be a new live album out in the autumn, many of the
UK shows being taped specially for this. The band also managed
plenty of UK TV coverage; with half an hour on 'Sight &
Sound In Concert' (no drum solo) and two tracks on 'The Tube'.
The TV sound was dire for 'Sight & Sound..'
GILLAN (with Black Sabbath)
Sports Arena, 25th February 1984
- Live Review
couldn't be the same Ian Gillan I saw two months ago in Detroit.
That Gillan couldn't hit the simplest notes without cracking
to a mere croak. Tonight he was a new man, reaching highs I
thought were lost forever. There was one problem, a power failure
of five minutes during the last song of the set - 'Children
Of The Grave'. They came back to bring the house down with 'Smoke
On The Water'; it's thrilling to see the crowd react like that
to an old Deep Purple song." John Barnes
Sabs did a touring blitz of the States in October/November,
followed by more dates in January and February. Ian handed his
notice in after the tour, with the news reaching the English
press in mid March.
In Tokyo With Orchestra - News
It was difficult to attach great significance to the Rainbow
wind-down which took place after the US shows in November, when
reports of less than wonderful ticket sales leading to the cancellation
of some shows reached us. Stories of the band being 'put on
ice' appeared, but when the Japanese dates went ahead in March
we didn't pay them much heed. These were at the Castle Hall
in Osaka on March 11th, and at the Budokan in Tokyo on 13th
& 14th (the latter with a 25 piece orchestra during Difficult
To Cure). The show on 14th was filmed for the (Japan only) video
Country Diary Of An Edwardian Lady - Single
Main Theme / Love Theme
Safari SAFE 60 : March 1984: PS
For Granada TV Series)
he sure kept this one very quiet. Two attractive themes (with
just a hint of ideas first heard on The Concerto), showing there's
still life in him yet. The writing has certainly matured a lot
since then. Obviously being purely orchestral he doesn't get
to bash the old Hammond about, but it's worth trying to find.
The album features incidental music written by the orchestra's
conductor, plus Jon's two single cuts. Beware an LP of the same
name on the Warwick label too, spoken extracts from the book!
Thrall - News
The Hughes Thrall unit is back in action once more. They began
work at once on a title track for a film called 'Ghost Business'.
They were then due to start work on a new HughesThrall album
in March, with a planned summer release. Both are itching to
some real touring and seem almost certain to play Europe later
this year, though this could fall through as they were penciled
in to do both Reading and Donnington last year. Glenn's
other plans include an LP with Gary Moore.
to the top
in the magazine...Looking Back Over 8 Years Of Deep Purple Reunion
Rumours....Reaction To The Deep Purple Reunion.....Whitesnake 1984
UK Tour Reviews.....Ian Paice / Gary Moore Band Line-Ups.....Gary
Moore 1984 UK Tour Reviews.....Episode Six History & UK Discography....Deep
Purple Reel-To-Reel Tapes....Whitesnake & Rainbow Bootleg Reviews.....Deep
Purple HM Photo Book Review.....plus much more.
the magazine can
be purchased from the dpas
online store
the DPAS
2003 DPAS/Darker Than Blue.
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