Bolin solo album
Recorded July Record Plant LA, late Sept 1975, Electric Ladyland
NY, Oct 1975, Trident London (mixed).
The Grind / 2. Homeward Strut / 3. Dreamer / 4.Savannah Woman
5. Teaser / 6. People People / 7. Marching Powder / 8. Wild Dogs
/ 9. Lotus
BOLIN / gtr-vcls - all. Stanley SHELDON / bass - 1,2,3,5,6,7.
Prairie PRINCE / drums 4,8. Jeff PORCARO / drums 1,2,3,5. Dave
FOSTER / piano 1,2,3. Paul STALLWORTH / bass 4,8,9. Phil COLLINS
/ percussion 4. Jan HAMMER / synth 6,7. Dave SANBORN / sax 6,7.
Bobbie BERGE / drums 9. Jon LORD / keyboards one track. Glenn
HUGHES / backing vocals end of Dreamer.

AMERICA : Nemporer NE 436 : 1975
Later repressed
with bar code and 'previously released material' added on back.
The sleeve shown here has the original US retail sticker and a
promo DJ sticker.
Warner Brothers P 10076 : 1975
As GB with
transcribed lyric sheet inside.