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Purple - This Time Around Live In Tokyo
I always felt I was
a little different from the majority of Purple fans, and came out of
the closet years ago. You see, I actually like ‘Last Concert In Japan’.
I think it's a great album - always have done. OK, the fact that it
was my first real Japanese import helped, but here was a chance to listen
to the cream of the ‘Come Taste The Band’ tracks in a live setting.
I got to know the album intimately. I know every ad-lib, whoop and holler,
and could match every scream from both Coverdale and Hughes (although
off-key of course!). I ended up picking up a second vinyl copy, and
threw £20 over the counter in Tower Records for the import CD a few
years back. When I joined the DPAS, my first letter asked if anyone
knew if the rest of the ‘Last Concert’ tapes still existed.
Anyway, you all know the
story by now. The final date in Japan - at the Budo-Kan in Tokyo on
December 15th 1975 - was taped both officially and unofficially (the
bootleg first appearing on vinyl under
the title 'Get It While It Tastes') and the greatly edited single LP
version of the show was released in Japan in March 1977. Now the complete
show is available, as it was on the night, with no slight of hand, no
dodgy edits and no running order re-arrangements; as with other such
DPAS-related releases, what you get is the show as it happened, warts
and all, as they say.
The first thing you notice
is the preponderance of material aired from ‘Come Taste The Band’. Seven
of the album's nine tracks were showcased on the night, a brave move
considering the relatively poor sales of the album; by the time the
US dates were recorded, the number of new songs had been considerably
pared down. The second thing is that if you are familiar with 'Last
Concert' you'll see that the bulk of the original album is drawn from
the early part of the band's set. So, things get started with David
Coverdale's screamed intro and THAT version of 'Burn', before giving
way to 'Lady Luck' with its funky little guitar solo, and 'Love Child'
which gives Jon Lord room to show off his particular skills.
The first ‘new' track is
'Gettin' Tighter', which at the best part of sixteen or so minutes not
only eclipses the version on 'Foxbat' but also has more 'structure'
than the American recording, and features more nice
keyboard doodling, as well as the Hughes / Bolin interplay plus some
fine vocals from the bassist.Up next is 'Smoke On The Water'. On the
plus side, Glenn Hughes' 'Georgia..' snippet had been resurrected and
reinstated, having being edited off the original vinyl release. But
on the minus side... I guess I am the ultimate heretic; I don't really
like the song, finding it rather dull. Live, it has a little more merit,
but not the way MK.IV played it. In addition, Hughes' howling through
'Georgia..' adds absolutely nothing
to 'Smoke..' and I still wonder why anyone actually let him do it in
the first place. Still, it gives way to 'Wild Dogs', a classic in its
own right and a marvellous showcase of Bolin's talents, both as a singer
and a guitarist, as he wrenches out that final solo before the song
crashes to an end.
'I Need Love' doesn't really
work live, and you can see why it was soon dropped from the live set.
Bereft of the classy fretboard overdubs on the studio version, it just
plods along before Coverdale delivers what was to become in later years
his 'Soldier of Fortune' trademark and Jon Lord embarks on the first
of the set's lengthy solos (including the 'Woman From Tokyo' snippet
that along with 'Soldier Of Fortune' was tacked to the end of 'Smoke'
on the LP). As was the norm, Lord's spots are flawless and 'Lazy', complete
with Ian Paice's drum solo; both solo spots are almost effortless in
their execution, although as ever they mean more if you were actually
there on the night.
Hughes steps up to introduce
'This Time Around / Owed To G', and delivers a superb vocal performance,
before Paice thunders in and Bolin cuts loose on the instrumental passage.
Things falter as his solo spot takes quite a time to get going, but
as he warms up (or the nerves die down) he pulls off some nice touches
before plunging effortlessly into 'Drifter'. Coverdale's lead vocals
are spot on (Hughes sounds rather off-key in the background!), and by
now Bolin is really firing on all eight. After loss of momentum arising
from the middle set solos, the band is back in the groove once more.
'You Keep On Moving' was the highlight of 'Last Concert..' for
me, and it still has all of its appeal. A beautiful piece with some
deft flashes from Bolin, and that terrific solo from Lord, this version
never fails to put a shiver up my spine. 'Stormbringer' closes the set
proper, this version being very similar to the one on 'Foxbat', together
with the extended (and perhaps unnecessary, given the powerful MK.III
versions) ending. After such a set, it's a bit of a surprise and a disappointment
that the sole encore is the no-frills version of 'Highway Star'.
There you have it. In summary,
it you disliked 'Last Concert..' because of the ‘liberties' taken with
the set, then this will restore your faith; on the other hand, if you
liked the record, then you're going to love this new version. Coverdale
is in fine form throughout (a much better performance than is in evidence
on 'Foxbat'), Bolin pulls some real magic out of his guitar, Hughes
and Paice are nice and tight and Lord is ever
reliable, almost a hidden hand directing things from stage left. This
to me is vintage Purple.
Niggles? One of the only
other gripes is the lack of encores; hearing the material for the first
time without a track list I expected more than just the single breakneck
rendition of 'Highway Star'. I was still at school in Torquay in 1976;
Liverpool and the rest of the Mk.IV dates were a long way from my home
town, so I didn't get to see those legendary, shambolic final dates.
It's over twenty years since my mates and I sat and wondered how it
could all have turned so sour so quickly; now, having played this recording
through from start to finish several times now, and still enjoying the
class of material and the strength of the performances (both individual
and as a whole) which at times crackle with energy, the question remains
- how did things go so badly wrong within just three short months? Talk
about chucking it all away....
This review appeared
in Issue 52 of Darker Than Blue magazine, along with a detailed
report on TOKYO '75.