12th February 2005
had to endure a couple of pretty poor support bands, including the Lizards,
with a pretty big drummer (in Bobby Rondinelli) giving us a 20 minute
drum soundcheck. The guitarist played a few bars and jokingly said 'thanks
very much, that's all we have time for', sadly he was joking, though
Mike Dimeo does have a decent voice.
to Glenn, who looked in really good shape, and still has an incredible
voice. Starting with Soul Mover, moving into Orion, both
from the new album, with confidence. We were treated to 6 new songs
from the Soul Mover album, all of which came over very well. Older
stuff was kept to a minimum. Medusa was brilliant, and JJ Marsh
excelled here. I always come away from a Hughes show thinking JJ is
brilliant, but then have doubts when I'm about to see him again.
show confirmed that Glenns 'secret weapon' really is a wonderful player.
Hughes himself was simply stunning during Mistreated, particularly
with his extended vocal ending, showing his full vocal range. The encores
of Seventh Star and Burn, really went down well. The
only downside of the night was the arsehole who got on stage, which
clearly unerved Glenn - his roadies' reaction was very slow, the guy
dived into the audience expecting to do some surfing, but landed on
the floor, shame. So a really good night, how far away is Sheffield
& photos : Michael Richards

laughed at Simon's comment about Bobby Rondinelli soundchecking his
drums for 20 minutes at the Bradford gig. Due to the lack of space left
with the various backlines of amps for Glenn's band and the Lizards,
his drums were almost falling off the stage, it was quite hilarious.
Unfortunately my mate insists on always standing at the front at these
gigs so we had to endure this whole session whilst virtually leaning
on his bass drum whilst Bobby chewed his toothpick and bonged away for
ages. I’d just commented on how loud he was (hoping he might hear me
and calm down a bit), when they started to mike the drums up to the
bloody PA making it even louder! Talking of drummers, all the reviewers
so far (including SR himself) have neglected to mention Glenn's drummer
Thomas Broman. This guy is just great, what a showman. The new Keith
Moon. Brill. It’s worth turning up just to see him, never mind Glenn.
review: John Blackburn

this is less than a review than a moan! Coming on at 10.30 is not a
great idea - don't they know it's past my bedtime?!! They told me Glenn
would be on at 9 when I phoned, but when I turned up I had to endure
the support act, the Lizards. And yes, Bobby Rondinelli decided that
he needed half an hour to get his drum sound just right, and squeeze
that huge Paiste Gong plus stand onto the minimal space on stage. One
of their songs was called 'Down', I believe.
agree with Glenn's the practice of playing new material and 'resting'
the old favourites for now. From the oldies section, I'd like to have
heard him do some more stuff from his 90's albums (Into the Void?).
Also some more Hughes/Thrall, a little more Trapeze plus some MkIII/IV
Purple that never got played live - 'Hold On' with Blackmore as guest
on guitar! Keep dreaming...
Tony Bilny

Soul Mover / Orion / Land Of The Livin' / Mistreated / Can't
Stop The Flood / Let It Go / High Road / Medusa / Don't Let Me
Bleed / Wherever You Go.
Encores: Seventh Star / Burn
After what seemed like an age of sitting through the 2 support bands
and endless change-overs of equipment Glenn and his band finally hit
the stage and treated the fairly packed venue to a high energy show
which drew heavily on his most recent offering, the excellent 'Soul
Mover' album.
The show started with a looped intro tape (which was still playing as
the band took the stage - a la Gillan on the Toolbox tour)and in all
a total of 6 songs from the newie were aired. Fortunately it seemed
like most of the crowd were familiar with the album, as there was plenty
of singing along. Glenn seemed genuinely moved by the audience response
and was misty eyed on at least 2 occasions during the gig.
His band were excellent - guitarist JJ Marsh is a star, and as for the
energy drummer Thomas Broman puts in - sheesh, the guy must sleep all
day to come this alive at night. Tasteful keyboards filled out the sound
as required and a good sound at the venue all made for a very enjoyable
gig, leaving me trying to figure out a way of catching another show
on the tour.
review: Tim Summers